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I was cheesing so hard it felt like mouth was about to fall off

" Damn your mouth gon' fall off " Lucas said almost as if he was just now reading my mind

I busted out laughing and he chuckled while shaking his head himself

" That's crazy .. it's almost as if you was just reading my mind because I was thinking the same thing ... I don't know it's like whenever I'm around you that's how it always is. I find myself smiling or laughing uncontrollably .. " I said

He smiled lightly

" Same here .. " he said

" This may sound weird, but I really enjoy being around you .. I like you .. " I said

" I like you too Kira " he said

We looked at each other for almost what seemed to be forever.

He started leaning in towards me and I started doing the same back. Our lips were inches apart .. I felt his breath on me until a knock was heard.

I tucked my lips in as I looked at him and placed a hand on his cheek. We were steady looking at each other with locked eyes as I softly spoke up then.

" Imma go get that.. " I said

He nodded and I got down from my stool as I went to the door

" Dammit .. " I heard him whisper as I walked away

I lightly smiled and opened the door to nothing.

Furrowing my eyebrows and looking around there wasn't anything or anybody there. Not an absolute soul.

I rolled my eyes and closed the door back as I then started walking back to the kitchen. Just as I was about to walk back, there was another knock.

Highly irritated now and partially pissed I went back and swung it open to reveal Diggy, Zae, and Sammy.

" Hey best friend " Daniel said

" Hi ... " I said trying to make sense of what just happened

" Hey bebe ... what's wrong? " Zae asked as she walked in

I still had a perplexed look on my face as I then just shook my head.

" Nothing nothing.. " I said

She gave me a look and soon Lucas appeared around the corner.

" Oh .. wassup y'all " he said

" Wassup bro " Sammy said as he dapped him

" Nothing much.. " Lucas said

I closed the door back and locked it as I then started walking down the hall to the stairs.

" Hey .. where you going? " Lucas asked

I looked back at them all staring at me as I was about to go up

" Oh um .. to wash my face real quick " I said

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