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I turned over in my sleep to see the bed empty.

Scratching my head I sat up with the cover to my chest. I got up and limped my way to the bathroom starting the shower.

Once the water was warm enough I got inside and took a long, yet short shower.

After I finished I got out and dried off real good then got dressed. I looked at my nails then my hair.

I need to get myself back together .. I've been thinking about cutting my hair as well .. just get myself back together and looking like someone.

I took the sheets off the bed then walked out the room and downstairs. As soon as I stepped down I heard the light flip on followed by a


I slightly jumped as my heart stopped for like a second

Lucas, Sammy, Zae, and Daniel had all jumped out with cheesy smiles.

There was a welcome home banner and my heart instantly warmed as I smiled

" Awww guys ... y'all didn't have to .. " I said

" But we wanted to " Lucas said as he walked over and got the sheets from me before pecking my lips

I smiled bigger as Zae came over to me and hugged me tight. I couldn't even resist I hugged her back just as tight.

" God I missed you " she said

" I missed you too bebe.. " I said to her

Soon Diggy and Sammy joined the hug and I repositioned my arms around them

" I missed all of you guys " I said

" We missed you too monkey " Diggy said

I lightly chuckled

" Well let's party " I said as I let go of them



" Girl " I said, chuckling, as Kira was dancing on me

She was drunk as hell .. I didn't even wanna kill her little turn up or whatever you wanna call it.

" You gon' be sick later on... " I said

" Sooooo?? " she said slurring her words

I shook my head as I continued eating my pizza. She kept on doing her, dancing on a nigga and shit hell I wasn't even complaining.. a nigga was getting a free lap dance.

Now in a few when the liquor kick in she gonna be crying just give her a second.

" Ayo where Sammy and Lézae went? " I asked Diggy

" Shit ion know ... where else would a couple go together? " he asked

I shook my head

These niggas here gon' be the death of me.

Kira sat down beside me and laid her head back. I continued eating my pizza

Everybody else drinking and shit meanwhile I'm over here eating goodt.

" Y'all know.... " Kira said

Oh lord here she go.

" It's been hell these last past 2 months like literally the burning depths of it " she said

I looked over at her as she smiled and laughed, looking down, but it was a more so sarcastic way expressing that she was trying to be okay, but deep down inside she wasn't and isn't. I know it's tearing her up alive ... I know it is ... and it hurts that I can't do anything to stop that internal pain.

" Being held hostage .... getting beaten almost every single day for the littlest shit. It's all so crazy man and I really dealt with it all for 2 months.. shits crazy " she said smiling

She stared ahead, smiling, before soon tears started forming in her eyes and that smile turned into a frown. She sniffled, wiping her eyes.

" But my mama always said I'm a warrior .... her little warrior ... I can and always will get through any tough obstacle. There's no obstacle worth giving up in ... and in this situation giving up as in killing myself " she continued

My heart broke into shatters from that word..

" I'm not gonna lie .. one more month and I would've did what I had to. That seemed to be the only way out of that .. I thought I was never gonna get away ... it felt like that. Every single day waking up and realizing I'm still in that repetitive nightmare that'll possibly never end .. it was just ... horrible. I hated every second of it.. being taken advantage of ... allat " she continued

She wiped her eyes as the tears was flowing down more now

" And I know I'm drunk as fuck and emotional right now ... I'm sorry ... " she said

I pulled her closer to me and she laid her head on me. I kissed her forehead as I rubbed her shoulder.

" You don't gotta worry about that again ... I can promise you that I'm not gonna let anything happen to you again baby ... " I said

She nodded

" Okay " she said quietly

" I love you " I said

" I love you more Lucas " she said

I smiled.

It warms my heart hearing her say that ... knowing she's mines forever and always. There's no 'breaking up' around here this shit a forever type of shit.

I've never experienced love before other than with my mama of course and Lézae.

I never knew I would be able to love someone else other than myself really and my family .... and especially on a significant other type of love.

I never saw myself being with someone whose not perfect and know she isn't.. and she doesn't try to be either and that's why I love her so much.

She deserves nothing but the best, because she's been through the worst ... she deserves happiness...

And imma make sure she gets it.


If you've read this book before I decided to re-write it & you're re-reading, do you like the re-write?

The next 10 chapters will be out next weekend! I'll try not to procrastinate this time guys. It's been hard lately, but I'm trying to better myself ❤️

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