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I was twirling my finger in her loose curl, looking at the ceiling, as she was asleep on my chest.

I've never had sex before and if I do say so for myself that was the best yet ... I'm glad I lost my virginity to her.

My phone had lit up and I reached over, grabbing it.

I put my phone back down as I looked down at Kira

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I put my phone back down as I looked down at Kira

Slowly, I started sliding from under her and I laid her on the pillow where I was.

Surprisingly, she stayed asleep. I kissed her forehead as I slid out the bed carefully to not wake her.

Once I got out I went and started a shower. I got inside and washed up real good. I even washed my hair.

A nigga felt good .. ian felt this good in a long time.

After a good 20-30 minutes I got out and wrapped the towel around my waist. Kira came limping in with my shirt on as she held her stomach.

" You good? " I asked

She nodded as she went to the mirror looking at herself.

I went over to her tub and started her a nice warm bath, adding some bubbles. Once I did that I walked over to her and kissed her cheek while holding my towel

She turned and looked at me, kissing my lips long

We pulled away in unisons, steady looking at each other.

She looked at me for awhile as she then went over to the closet

" Umm I have a question that I had wanted to ask you too, but you kind of fell asleep on me " I said followed by a light chuckle

" I'm sorry .. what's the question? " she asked as she turned to me

" Umm... I don't want you feeling like this was just a fuck and duck thing cause it really wasn't .. I enjoy your presence genuinely and I actually like you, so do you want to be my girlfriend? " I asked

She smiled as she grabbed my face and pecked my lips

" Of course Lucas .. " she said

I smiled back as I pecked her lips back. She deepened the kiss and I slickly ran my hands down her back, putting them both on a asscheek as I firmly grabbed them and squeezed.

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