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I grabbed my keys and stormed out the room going to Jr's

" I was playing with my play doh! " he yelled

I took him out to car putting him in then I drove off


" You just fucking shit up that niggas wish they had! " Diggy said pushing me

" Alright nigga chill! " I say

" Nah cause if you don't find her ass in the next hour imma kill you and I promise you that.. " he says handing me my keys

" What about Jr?! He gone be fatherless... " I say

" Well he just gone be one fatherless mutherfucka " Diggy says slamming the door in my face

I turn around with widen eyes..

That nigga went from zero to one hundred real quick.

And he kicked me out my own house! Type of shit is that?

I get in my car and I go to Track My IPhone...

" She ain't far " I say to myself and I start driving to where she was

20 minutes later...

I get out and look around seeing her car but nobody in there

What is she doing back here anyways..?

I go up the stairs and to her old apartment and open the door walking in

I see her and Jr sitting on the ground in the dark with only the moonlight on them

Walking in more I go over to them just standing there..

Jr was snuggled up next to her as he then turnt around and screamed like a luh girl.

" Ahhhh!!! " he says getting up and that nigga dipped

" Don't be scaring him like that " Kira says

I laugh then sit next to her

She looks at me then back out the window

" Why are you sitting next to me like you ain't abused me not too long ago " she says

Damn I felt that... My heart actually hurts and I care I just started crying like the bitch I am.


I hear soft sniffles as I look over at Lucas

His head was hung low as I seen tears dropping into his lap

" L-Luc " I say

He doesn't say anything

I get on my knees and make my way over to him

I pick his head up and caress his cheek to see a bruise..

Damn who hit my baby?!

" Baby why you crying? " I ask looking him in the face trying to get him to look at me

He starts to explain everything to me and I start to pay attention more carefully...


As I sit there and watch them my blood boils more and more

I hate that Lucas Coly nigga and I would do anything to get rid of him just to get my girl back.. If I gotta destroy they little family I will. And I mean that as killing that luh boy of theirs.

" That bitch make me sick " Alexis says rocking that annoying ass crying baby

" Shut that lil bitch the fuck up! " I yell

She looks at me

" Well damn it's not my fault Im trying nigga! " she yells back

" You better do it or I will " I say

She glares at me and walks out with that baby.

I really hate that baby and I wish I didn't get her dumb ass pregnant.

Me being a thirsty nigga for some pussy knowing her shit ain't even been that good compared to Kira's... Sheesh

I start to fantasize her naked getting hard..

I need her back.


" Baby you don't gotta ever feel like that.. If you gotta tell me anything or get anything off your chest you tell me, okay? " I say

He nods and I wipe his tears

I know I was just mad at him but he been through so much just as much as me.

Making him look me in the eye I kiss him

His lips against mines gave me chills Everytime.

I lay him back on the ground as I straddle

Slowly grinding against his waist my hormones start to take control of me

" Babe- Damn guh slown down.. Jr here " he says

Damn Jr needa go somewhere always messing with my dick

" Mama.. Dada can we- Ewwee! " Jr says covering his eyes

I get off Lucas and stand up

" Luh boy you gone be kissing on ya girl too " I say

" No I won't that's just nasty... cooties mama! Cooties! " he says

I laugh as Lucas stands up

" We can talk when we get back.. But I wanna get some pizza for everybody " Lucas says

I nod in agreement and we walk out to the car on the way to Pizza Hut


Watching as them two pulled that little shit they did made me beyond mad as fuck.

She was mines first!

I started throwing shit around as I heard that damn baby crying again and that shit was testing my nerves.

I go in the room and stand over her crib pointing my gun at it and I shoot her right in the head.

" SHUT UP.. FUCK! " I yell

I started pulling at my hair as I then heard screaming

" What the fuck you did?!? My baby! " Alexis cries screaming

That bitch was irking my nerves too!

I turn around and shoot her ass leaving her and her dead baby right there.

Watch out Lucas Coly cause I'm coming for you and Jakira.

I walk out the apartment complex and get in my car driving off.

Niggas will do anything for some cat smh.

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