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It was cold ... extremely cold.

Tossing over, I was holding my head as it instantly started pounding.

" Ugh ... fuck " I cursed

I rubbed my eyes as I then sat up and looked around the unfamiliar room.

My heart instantly started racing as everything was now coming back to me.

Please god no...

Slowly I got up and looked around the room to see if I could find anything sharp or at least something to protect myself.

There wasn't nothing..

I walked over to the door and slowly turned the knob and it was surprisingly unlocked .. Opening it, I walked out the room and the instantly smell of weed had hit my face.

Wrapping my arms around myself I walked further down the hall to the banister and looked over it to see a whole bunch of niggas just sitting down, smoking and drinking, getting lap dances from half naked females and all of that other stuff.

One of them looked up at me

" Damn who little mama up there? " he asked

Everyone looked up at me and soon the person who I thought I would never see again came walking around the corner.

" You're finally awake " he said as he started coming upstairs to me

He walked over to me about to touch me until I stepped back away from him

" Don't touch me Keith! " I yelled at him as I then balled up my fist

He put his hands up in surrender

" My bad baby girl .. calm down ... you aren't happy to see ya daddy? " he asked me as he slightly smirked

I rolled my eyes utterly disgusted as I turned about to walk off. As I was about to go back into the room within seconds I was pushed up against the wall with his hand firmly around my neck, choking me almost.

" Don't you fucking walk off from me when I'm talking to you little bitch " he gritted

I placed a hand on his face as I clawed right into it with my stilettos and he yelped out in pain as he dropped me.

I held my neck coughing and gasping for air. Trying to get up he kicked me right in my stomach and I fell back down as I grunted, clutching my stomach.

He grabbed me by my hair and other arm, starting to drag me into the room

" Stop! " I yelled

" No please no! " I continued on screaming

Before I knew it I felt warm tears streaming down my face as he slammed the door. I couldn't see anything .. not only because my tears were blurring my vision, but because it was completely dark in the room...

He threw me onto the bed as he was on me the next.

His breath reeked of alcohol and weed .. his hands began to wander my body and touch me in places that shouldn't be touched.

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