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I smiled to myself fantasying how it would be if she came back

It was early in the morning and I was eating a donut

Last night felt different and I'm in a good mood and that doesn't happen out of the ordinary unless she was holding me.

I wonder what she's doing right now..

Is she thinking about me too?

" Jr you wanna go get some breakfast? " Pops asked standing in the door frame

" Yes...please? " I asked

He nodded and I got up getting dressed


I smile as I point out the newest spider man toy that just came out

" He would love that one " I said

Diggy nodded and smiled

" Let's get it " he said

Me and Diggy are currently in Los Angeles picking out some things for Jr

I was with him this whole year that has passed away and I learned a lot about him and I gotten myself together

" Lucas said they were going to IHOP " he said

" I got a better way of coming back... When I say imma do something imma do it. He asked me to be there holding him when he wakes up.. so I got him " I said

Diggy smiled

" Your the strongest woman I have ever saw.. Especially when it comes to your son " he said as we got in the car

" Yeah " I said smiling


I've always thought Kira was beautiful

But I love her in that sister brother type way.

I couldn't see myself dating her after all the bodies I've had and I don't wanna drag her into that.

I would date her though no doubt.

" Waffles? " I asked

She cheesed and hugged me then went to kiss my cheek but I found my head turned and we started kissing....

Mouth to mouth.

Thoughts? 👀

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