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1 year later...


I was wiping my eyes as tear slipped down my face and onto the picture of me and my mama

" She promised me she would be back " I said to myself

I missed her I wasn't even mad she left I just wanted her back and it hurts knowing she not here for me when I need her the most...

I was in so much pain and I didn't wanna feel it anymore..

" I don't think he want any visitors " I heard pops say

" Aww.. poor baby " I heard Zae say

" Nigga you fucked it up that's why all this happened in the first place and you lucky she ain't got no type of brothers to come jump yo ass and Diggy gone off to NYC " Sammy said

My heart was breaking more and more hearing them talk about her and I just started sobbing loudly as I looked at the picture

" Mommy... " I said as I wiped my eyes

I was sobbing as I felt a hand on me

Turning around everybody by then was in the room

" Jr we gotta go get the rest of your birthday stuff.. " my dad said

" I don't wanna go " I said

He sighed

" But Jr we going to get some donuts after! Your favorite " I heard London said

" It's not my favorite anymore London " I said rolling my eyes

" Why not? " she frowned

" Cause donuts was me and my mommy thing " I said

She sighed

" Well you cant stay- "

" I don't care.. Get out! " I yelled

" Jr... "

" Ugh I just want y'all to leave me alone! I hate y'all! " I yelled standing up and running out the room

Later that night...

I was sitting in the kitchen as everybody else was watching 'Finding Dory'

I love that movie but it's not the same without my mommy..

Looking at Landon he was laying on his mommy and London was on Sammy

" I hate myself.. She left because of me.. I'm a mistake " I said to myself

I sighed and finished up my ice cream as I started heading upstairs

" Jr you don't wanna watch the movie with us? " Pops asked

" No... Good Night " I said

The Next Day

" Happy Birthday " London said handing me a present

I slightly smiled and started opening the presents

" Spider Man! " I yelled

I stood up and hugged London

I opened the rest of my presents

" We got a bounce house out in the back " pops had said

I nodded and was about to run out until I went back and grabbed the picture of me and mama then I ran out..

" Jr you don't need to carry that picture everywhere.. " Landon said

I looked at him like he was stupid

" Yes I do " I said

" No... You can set it down just for a minute so we can play " he said

" No I do not! It's my picture and I don't wanna set my mommy down! " I yelled getting frustrated

" Well your mommy isn't coming back... It's been too long and she still gone so she just abandoned you and don't care about you " he said shrugging

My heart broke

I don't know what happened but I blacked out and Landon was on the ground holding his nose

" Ah! Jr! " he yelled as blood poured from his nose

I punched him...

" Jr! " Pops yelled

Everybody was looking at me and I just ran upstairs to my room

Poor Jr😕❤️

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