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I walked back into the house while turning my hat backwards. Twan big ass was sleeping on the couch.

I shook my head while walking past him

" Fat shit " I said

Going upstairs starting to head to the room, I took my key about to unlock the door until I realized it was already opened.

Rushing inside I looked all around. I completely tore up the room looking for her.

" That bitch! " I yelled as I threw a vase at the wall causing it to completely shatter

I walked out the room and downstairs.

" Aye nigga! " I shouted

Twan furrowed up his eyebrows

" Whatchu yellin' fa fool? " he asked as he opened his eyes looking at me

" Where the fuck she at?! " I yelled

" Who?? " he asked

" That little bitch! Kira! " I said

" She not up there in the room?? " he asked while getting up now

" If she was I wouldn't be asking you fucking idiot .. you had one job. Just one " I said as I went to my hiding space

I grabbed my gun

" Nigga where yo keys? " I asked

He looked around, flipping the pillows around and stuff

" Shit .. " he cursed

I shook my head getting beyond pissed now.

She think I'm not gonna come back for her ass ... she crossed the wrong motherfucker.



I glanced at the clock every now and then as I patiently laid slightly back in the seat waiting.

I'm not gonna lie .. I'm exhausted as hell. I haven't slept well since 2 months ago when I was actually comfortable .. back home in my own bed ... my own house.

Now I gotta move once I get myself back together and I start working again.

Sighing lightly, I laid my head against the steering wheel with my eyes closed as I shook my head.

It all sounds so frustrating already, but I just thank god I finally got away ... I know it ain't over I just know it, but I still got a break finally.

A car pulled up in front of me and I looked up as I saw two guys get out.

My heart skipped a beat as I took off my seatbelt, getting out. I got out and started running towards one of them.

He turned looking at me just as I reached him and straight into his arms. His arms wrapped back around me tightly as he lifted me off the ground.

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