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" Can you get me another pizza? " I ask Lucas

He nods and stands up walking to the kitchen as I take a sip of my soda

I look at London and Sammy laughing together and then at Jr who was snuggled up next to me drinking his apple juice

Somebody was missing.

I look around and I look at the top of the stairs to see Landon sitting up there alone with his little juice box and his pizza on his lap

He looked sad and I remembered what he said earlier about Sammy.

I sent Lézae a quick message as she looks up at him

She then looks at me and nods


I don't know why Landon been acting like this lately...

I walk upstairs to him and sit on the step next to him

He looks at me then back at his pizza picking it up eating it.

" Landon " I say sighing

He ignores me

I know his ass hear me

" Landon! " I say louder

He looks at me with his pizza in his mouth half way and lifts his eyebrows

" What's wrong? " I ask

He starts to cry

" Landon baby what's wrong?? " I ask getting worried

He sets his pizza on the plate and gets up running to the bathroom and closes the door.

I look downstairs at Kira as she was frowning then she gets up walking upstairs to me

" Whats wrong with him? " I ask feeling a lump form in my throat

" I over heard a conversation with him,Jr, and London saying how he wish Sammy showed as much love to him as he does to London... " she explains

Damn he been feeling this way this whole time and it's because of Sammy stupid ass.

" He won't talk to me.. Can you try and get him out the bathroom? " I ask her

I know it's low for me to ask somebody else who is a whole mother to another child to get my own child under control but I'm hurt how Sammy been doing this shit since they were born.

She nods and walks to the bathroom knocking.


" Landon.. " I say softly

" Go away! " he yells from the other side as I hear him sobbing

It hurts my heart how Sammy does him like this.

" Why? " I ask

" Cause- I don't want nobody to see me cry " he says


" Landon it's okay.. We all cry " I say

I hear the door knob make noise and just as he was about to open it he asks

" Are you alone? " he asks

" Yes I promise " I say

He opens the door and tries to pull me inside then once I'm inside he closes the door and locks it back

" Why you crying? " I ask him

He comes over to me and lays his face on my lap as I feel his warm tears on my legs

" I wish.. We can all be loved equally " he mumbles

Damn this luh boy got a big vocabulary

" Landon stop crying... He may not show it but I know he loves you deep down inside " I say

" B-But he does everything for London " he stutters

" Because London is spoiled.. You have ya mommy " I say trying to reassure him

" But I don't always want my mommy.. I want both my parents " he says


I pull him up on my lap and I wipe his eyes

" Lan it's alright.. You may not get as much affection but it's not intended. Your too handsome to be crying it's gonna be alright " I say

He nods and wipes his eyes as he hugs me

I hug him back

" Twank you Kira " he says

My heart

" Your welcome " I say

Standing to my feet I smile as he smiled back then his whole facial expression changed.

He looked frantic as he then pointed behind me.

Turning around I was shook.

" Scream and I shoot " he says

" Don't " I say pushing Landon behind my legs

" Go " he says pointing to the bedroom door

I do as he says as he pushes me out the room to the window and he makes me and Landon crawl out..

I didn't want Landon to get pulled into my drama....

I hope Zae can forgive me.


I was on the verge of crying because Sammy is real life messed up for this shit

I walk downstairs and wipe my fallen tears as I put my hoodie back on grabbing the keys

" Where you going? " Sammy asks

" Somewhere " I mumble

" What about me and the kids " he asks

" I'll be back.. Damn " I say walking out slamming the door

I walk to the car and get in as something catches my attention

I peep in the rear view mirror to see Kira and Landon in some random car tied up..

I squint my eyes trying to see who else was in the car but the window was too tinted to reveal his face but the back seat window was down and I saw them.

The car pulls off and I put the key in the ignition starting it and I follow behind them..

Whoever that is has a lot of nerve kidnapping my son.

This mysterious nigga needa life 🤦🏽‍♀️

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