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I jump up out of my sleep panting

That dream seemed so real!

I picked up my phone and called Zae

Zae😍💓: Guh why you calling me 2 in the mornin'?

Me: Is Landon there??

Zae😍💓: Yeah he right next to me..why? What's wrong?

I shake my head

Me: Nothing..never mind. Night.

Zae😍💓: Night sis

- End Of Call -

I was on the verge of crying because I'm so scared that could actually happen

As I start to shake scared I start shaking Lucas

" Baby.. " I say crying now before I could even realize it

He shifted in his sleep and looked at me in the dark then sat up.

" Baby what's wrong?! " he asked panicked

I lay on him crying into his chest because this is the second time this week I've had a dream like that but it's always different.

I had one about Lucas getting shot and I never been so traumatized in my life.

" H-He shot me " I stutter

" Whooooo?? " he asks

I shake my head and continue to cry

He kissed my forehead and continued to hug onto me as I hugged him back

I finally pull myself together and wipe my eyes looking at him in the dark

I put my hand on his cheek stroking it

" I love you " I say

" I love you too... " he says back

We lay down as I'm right under him

He was stroking my back as I lay on him

As I was deep in thoughts I was interrupted by something rubbing my stomach

I look down at Lucas hand then back up at him smiling slightly

He really wants a girl

" I want a girl bruh.. I'm tired of babying you " he says

I frown and slap his hand

" Don't touch me and talk shit " I say

" Guh I'll touch you whenever and wherever. Your body is my body " he says smirking

I roll my eyes

" Thats whatchu say " I say shifting over sitting on his lap

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