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We was speeding on our way to the hospital because we just got a serious call that we had to come right away

" Babe I'm scared " I say hyperventilating

" Baby chill calm down.. breathe " Lucas says taking my hand

I squeeze his hand

" Awh shit guh that hurts " he whines

" Stop crying like a bitch " I say

" Yeah imma have you crying inna minute " he clapped back smirking

" No time to be talking sexual " I say

He pulls up and soon as he did I literally cat man tf outta that car

" Slow down! " he yelled

I was gone ain't no slow down shit

Making my way inside I go straight to the stairs cause the elevator gone piss me off running up them as I swerve around the corner I see doctors swarming around his room

Running to them I was met by a nurse to the door

" You can't go in there " the nurse said

" No my son is in there! " I said

" Ma'am I said you can't go... " she said

I look over her shoulder and they had the breathing mask on his face and his monitor line is going high asf

" Whats wrong with my baby? " I ask sobbing now

The sound was all blurring out as I yelled and then before I knew it....

His line went dead.... The dead line was ringing and ringing haunting me.

The nurse closed her eyes and she looked down

" I'm sorry... " she said

I started screaming

" No! Jr! " I yelled

" No! " I screamed


I was downstairs rolling up a blunt with my homie Princeton

This Jr stuff got me really stressed and I'm worried cause if he don't make it Kira will freak.

As I'm rolling up having a good laugh with him I heard screaming and crying

" Jr! " I heard Kira yell

We look at each other

I quickly drop all the stuff and run upstairs as Prince trails behind me

Busting in the room she was crying and fighting in her sleep while screaming

I run over to her and start shaking her

" No! " she yelled

" Kira! " I yelled shaking her

She continued to yell and shake then I yelled one more time

" KIRA!! " I yelled

Her eyes shot open as her pupils went little and she sat up crying

She was shaking so bad she had me shaking myself

" Jr... " she said crying while shaking in my arms

I rocked back and forth with her

" I know baby I know.. " I said trying to calm her down

I felt her tears going through my shirt as she sobbed loudly and clutched onto me

I was about to let her go

" No! Baby... hold me. I'm scared " she said

I looked down at her and then held onto her like my life depended on it

Aww 😭💔

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