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" Man ... I'm so happy for you guys .. I gotta go give Lucas a pep talk now " she said as she got up

I shook my head as I gave her my plate to take with her.

Once she walked out I had got up and let out the water. I wrapped my towel around me and got out. I walked into my room and dried off, putting on some lotion and all of that good stuff.

As soon as I put on my shorts something fell from my bathroom.

I furrowed my eyebrows and picked up my towel as I went walked back to the bathroom. Going over to my sink, I looked at the ground to see my spray bottle.

I bended over and picked it up.

As soon as I stood back up straight, I quickly looked at the mirror and was about to scream until he tried to cover my mouth, but I wasn't going for it.



" Lézae move yo ass guh I know how to be in a relationship.. " I said

" Yeah, but not with my best friend " she said

I rolled my eyes

She was getting on my last damn nerve...

I was about to open my mouth to speak until a loud thud came from upstairs along with glass breaking

We all looked at each other and I instantly got up quick running upstairs

When I got up there the damn door was locked

" Kira! " I yelled

I tried to get inside, but the door was locked.

Pushing myself against the door I kept on hitting it as Sammy and 'nem finally made it up.

It got hella quiet in the room.

" Hold on we're coming! " I yelled

" Guys, guys push the door at the same time! " Zae yelled

I looked at Sammy and Daniel

" 1.. 2.. 3! " I said and we shouldered it at the same time as it busted open

We walked in and I went to the bathroom which was a mess.

" Kira!? " I yelled

I looked all around as I then walked into her room, going over to her window and looking out, someone was irking off out of the parking lot.

I was about to run out until I looked in the corner of her room and saw her sitting there just staring.

Running over to her I lifted her face trying to get her to talk to me

" Babe are you okay?? " I asked

I looked at her arm as it was bleeding

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