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Right now me and Lucas in the room arguing back and forth and we've been doing it for the past.. Hour.

" You cheated I don't see why you just don't admit it! " I yelled back pushing him

" I didn't how many times I gotta tell you that man?! " he yelled back getting in my face

" Get out of my face! Your a cheater! " I yelled

He lifted his hand then before I knew it he had slapped the picture of us off the table and he.. hit me again.

I covered my lip tasting the blood dripping from my lip then he pushed me against the wall in a choke hold position choking me tightly

I was gasping for air now as my vision started blurring then-

" Aahhh! " I yell jumping out of my sleep

I was breathing heavily as I looked to my side realizing Lucas wasn't there.

I'm scared

I started losing my breath faster before I even realized it...

I opened my eyes again and this time it was real and I was actually being choked in my sleep

I gasped for air as I reached trying to look for Lucas but he wasn't there my vision had went black..


I watched as her eyes closed up on her and she stopped kicking

Touching her pulse she was alive but in a deep sleep from that medicine I put in her

I finally got her man

Admiring her body I start touching all over her body from head to toe as my hand somehow found its way in her panties

I couldn't wait to get her to my house and Lucas was out so that gave me enough time.

Sorry for the plot twists💀.

Lucas would never choke Kira and that's facts, I don't wanna make him someone he isn't in real life 💀

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