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Screaming is all I hear

Scared to open my eyes I feel myself losing my breath

As I open my eyes and look down I'm in blood

A lot of blood.

Looking over I see a body laying lifeless in blood

My breathing quickened as I sat up and slowly looked over the body.

As me and the person eyes met, I felt as almost the little bit of breath I did have left was sucked out of me completely.

" Kira! " I yelled as I quickly jumped up and over her, turning her body to where she was positioned on her back

She looked at me with her drained, colorless eyes while holding her bleeding side

" Baby you're gonna be good. Cmon just stay with me. Help is on the way " I said as I quickly took off my hoodie, trying to wrap it around her to apply pressure onto the wound

She winced in pain as she gently closed her eyes and shook her head softly.

A tear slipped away and rolled down her cheek as she then looked back at me with a faint smile

" I love you... " she whispered almost

" I- I love you too baby ... please ... you're gonna be okay. Keep your eyes opened " I said

She just smiled as she then grabbed my hand, holding it. I held her hand back tight as I then felt tears rolling down my cheeks.

Slowly her eyes were closing and I watched as she tried to fight to keep them opened

Her eyes slowly closed and it's almost as if my heart had stopped right then and there

" Babe babe babe no ... please god no ... babe! " I yelled

" Babe! " I cried and pleaded

It's like everything began to fade away as I continued to yell and cry her name

" KIRA! "


I jumped up out of my sleep, breathing heavily.

Kira looked at me confused and I looked back at her

" Are you okay? " she asked with a worried look in her eye

Before I could even explain I felt tears just streaming down

I laid my head on her as I put my arms around her then.

She put hers back around me holding me as I then placed my hand on her side.

That was the worst dream I've ever had.


I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!

Sorry I've been MIA. It's been so much lately. I'm gonna work on getting back on track though for you guys.

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