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" Sammy I ought to bash ya damn head in! " Lucas yells furiously as I held him back

(Wow great way to start a chapter💀)

" Babe you needa calm down " I say

He was trying to get out of my arms but after I said that his body tensed down a bit but his breathing was the same

" Every time I come around y'all two always got a problem " Kornealies says shaking his head eating his spaghetti

This man was-...

" Well if y'all two are done arguing now can we eat please..together? " Vasiaah asks

Nodding before I let go of Lucas I look up at him

" Babe " I say

He doesn't say anything

I put my hand on his face as he shivers and looks down at me

" It's gonna be alright " I whisper

I place a soft kiss on his lips and whisper

" You can relieve some of that stress later " I say

I don't even know why I said that shit fucking around with him he gonna have me handicap round' here cause one thing about Lucas when he's mad... He's mad!

Letting go of him I go into the kitchen and fix him,me, and Jr a plate

No wonder why we haven't seen Zae and Sammy for awhile

" I'm here niggas! " I hear a voice yell

Turning around after I set Jr plate in front of him I see Diggy dumbass

" Is that how you always walk into everybody house? " Andrea asks disgusted

" Is that how you always look coming to everybody house? " Diggy asks sitting down

" Diggy! " I yell

This nigga!!

This nigga do not care! He will say anything!

" Excuse me? " she asks lifting a eyebrow

" Wassup my nigga " Lucas says coming downstairs dapping him up with glass shot red eyes

What the fuck he been up there doing to have his eyes that damn red?!?

" Lucas? " I say in a high pitched voice

He look up at me smiling

" What's up baby? " he asks

He only call me "baby" when he know he did something wrong or feel like he wrong.

I walk over to him and carefully exam his eyes then I grab his hand leading him out of the kitchen

As I'm walking upstairs with him he grabs my ass pinching it

" Lucas chill! You ain't getting no booty " I say closing the bed room door

" Why not?? " he asks tilting his head

" What the hell you been doing up here? " I ask

" Whatchu meaaannn? " he asks wrapping his arms around me

I get out of his arms and go to the closet where he keep all his weed and shit.

Pulling down the box two little bags fall down.

" Lucas what the fuck?! " I ask picking it up


I know I disappointed my brother by disobeying him but I don't understand..

I love Sammy truly from the bottom of my heart.

" Why Zae? " our step mom asks

I never liked her and she never liked me for some reason.. I stayed home even after Lucas left but that's another story.

She just did little things that always irked my nerves.

" Well.. Seems like your just like your mom " she says wiping her hands

It gets quiet in the room and I look over at Sammy as he is drinking his champagne

Sammy don't even like champagne.

Sammy don't even like champagne

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" Just a hoe.. How you have two kids already at the age of nineteen? " she asks

" Ah hell naahh " Diggy and Sammy says as Sammy finished choking on his drink

All I know is.. Glass was being thrown.

The screenshot 😂😭

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