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I was staring at the tv as it flashes to the tv show that was playing

Rubbing my eye I continue to stare at the tv until I thought I seen someone walk in

Shrugging it off as I turn on my side to a black lean figure

Gasping loudly I sit up holding my chest scared

" Lucas don't do that " I say

He chuckled

Standing up I look up at him as I place my hand on the side of his face

" That's not funny " I say

He laughed then kissed me

As I was just about to pull away he bites my bottom lip, my mouth opens as I screech from the pain then feeling his warm salvia in my mouth

His breathe was so minty mixed with a bit of cigar

Feeling the throbbing sensation between my legs he slowly picks me up and lays me slowly on the bed as the kiss continues with passion.

Not once breaking the kiss he goes down to my neck as I start to feel his tongue circling in this one spot.. my spot.

My eyes roll back as a soft moan escapes my lips.

I wrapped my legs around his waist as I felt his bulge right against my clit

Tugging at his belt buckle he starts to unbuckle it


" They just... kissing " I say

" He think he can get her back so easily... Ion think so " he says

I roll my eyes

" Why you so obsessed? " I asked

" Don't worry bout it " he said

I roll my eyes and hang up continuing to watch them

I can kinda see why he is though.

She gotta banging body

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