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" How long- "

" Babe this is Vasiaah my step sister " Lucas says cutting his mother off

" Boy don't cu- "

" This is Xavier my step brother and my dad " He says

She was looking mad at Lucas and then she huffed and rolled her eyes

" Nice to meet you " his father said

I smiled

" Nice to meet you too Mr.Coly " I said

" No need.. You can call me Kornealies " he said

Nodding in agreement I introduced myself back

" I'm Jakira.. Lucas girlfriend " I say with a smile

His father smiles back as my eyes lure onto Lucas he was smirking at me then he put his fingers in a 'V' putting his mouth between it and he started flicking his tongue

Smirking back I slowly redirect my attention back onto Kornealies

" Your son is something else " I say

Dinner Time *sips tea*

" Where are they? " Lucas's mother asks for the final time

Everybody else arrived

Sammy's mom & Brother
(Malik) and of course Lucas and Zae parents were here but no sign of Zae and Sammy

" Call them again " Andrea said (Lucas&Zae step mom)

" I did they said they were on the way " Lucas says annoyed

He takes another strong ass shot

Frowning I walk over in the kitchen to him and pull him into the pantry

" Babe why you drinking so much alcohol? " I ask

He was so zoned out and not even looking at me

" Baby? " I ask lifting his head to reveal tears streaming down his face

My heart..

" Baby why you crying? " I ask getting emotional myself

He shakes his head

" I just wish my mama was here man that lady out there ain't do nothing but give me a hard ass time. " he says sobbing

I pull him close to me as he wraps his arms around me slightly picking me up from the ground

I've never seen Lucas so upset.. Lemme rephrase that..

I never saw Lucas cry.. Period.

I let go and lift up his head pecking his lips

" It's gonna be okay " I say pecking his lips again

He nods and smiles a bit

" Wipe ya eyes " I say

He does as I said

" We can talk about it later.. You feel better now? " I ask

" Well you know what would actually make me feel a lot better? " he asks

" What? " I ask placing my hand on the door knob about to walk out

He grabs my hand and pulls me back towards him and wraps his arms around my waist

" A real kiss " he says

He was biting his bottom lip so damn sexy I just wanted to give him some right here in this closet!

Smiling I tilt my head up and peck his lips multiple times as he starts it off in a slow nice heated kiss

We was getting touchy with it..

His hands slipped on my ass as the other was slipping up my shirt slowly

About to get heated I slip my hand..

" Damn my baby a freak " he says

Biting his lip and pulling it I whisper letting it go

" You already know " I say smirking

His hand goes to my ... ya know and before you knew it-

" Mama! Dada!?!? " Jr cries hitting the door

Every time we try to do something this lil nigga come out of nowhere and find us.

" Damn What that luh boy want he fucking with my pussy like usual " Lucas says

I hit his chest

" Shh you know he got big ass ears " I say after he grunts

Turning around I feel a sting on my ass immediately

" Ow! Lucas! " I yell turning around

" Damn that shit fat.. And it's mines " he says

Rolling my eyes I open the door and there was Jr peeking his nosey ass in

" Mama... Dada what you doin?! " he asks putting his hand on his hip

He was too cute!

" You can't learn right now son your still young but daddy gotchu when you get older " Lucas says walking out

Rolling my eyes I put my hand on my hip mocking him

" Pfftt! " He says tilting his head at me

I tilt mines back as I then hear a yell

" Oh fuck no! " Lucas yells

Jr turns around and back looking at me

" Ooo dada cuss! " he yells

I pick up Jr and walk to where he was to reveal a set of twins and Zae & Sammy.

" You bout to die Sammy! I specifically told your ass not to get her pregnant so damn young! " Lucas yells beyond mad

" Lucas I'm a grown ass woman! " Lézae claps back

Them two was going at it until-

" Wrong timing- Oh. " Alexis says standing there with a smirk

This bitch..

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