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I woke up yawning as I sat up

I was naked...

Looking to my left slowly I screamed and covered myself

" What the fuck?! " I yelled

Why was I in bed with the next door neighbor?!

He sat up and smirked

" Oh... good morning babe " he said kissing my cheek

He was actually cute but a bad attitude

I slapped the taste out his mouth and tried to stand up as he snatched me back down

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I slapped the taste out his mouth and tried to stand up as he snatched me back down

" Mama don't act like you wasn't enjoying this shit last night " he whispered

He kissed my neck then licked it while laying me on my back getting between my legs

" Get off of me! " I yelled trying to fight back

He kissed my neck licking up and down

He thrusted inside of me

I screamed as tears filled my eyes trying to fight back

He covered my mouth and started going faster and harder.

" Ooo you nice and tight for me " he said

I closed my eyes screaming in his hand as he was in me without resistance

He started cumming as I was praying to god I don't get pregnant

I wasn't enjoying it but his stroke game was strong I'm not gonna lie but it was all fun and games till he started- ..

A moan escaped my lips

I didn't mean to moan oh my god.

" St- Oh god " I said

I was clawing into his back with my legs wrapped around his back

" S-Slow down... no... stop " I moaned

My toes curled as my eyes rolled back then I bit my bottom lip

I wasn't intentionally enjoying it but it just felt good.

No it doesn't..

" Fuck " he grunted


I was out with Jr looking for a promise ring for Kira, I didn't wanna bring Zae ass cause she would snitch.

Then last night me and Jr went to see Avengers and we spent the night at a hotel cause it was road block and the feds be cutting up after 12.

I pulled up to the house and got out with the box in Jr bag as I was about to walk in until the girl next door came running over

" Uh- Hey " she said looking nervous

" Hey " I said

She smiled

" Can you help me with something? " she asked

" I don't think my girlfriend wou- "

" It'll only be a second.. I promise I won't try anything " she said smiling

I hesitated

" No No No " Jr said shaking his head

I laughed and nodded

" Sure.. " I said

She smiled and walked over to her house as I followed behind her

I coulda sworn I heard moaning but I may just be thinking about the other night.


I didn't need help with anything I was trying to save Kira from getting caught well Omari ass..

I felt bad for even letting Omari leave the house to go over there and persuading him to do it just to get Lucas to break up with her..

I'm jealous of their perfect relationship and I just want Kira to myself.

Even I helped inject that medicine in her.. Viagra so she couldn't resist it even if she wanted to.

I know how Lucas feels about her and after I thought about it last night I felt bad because he basically is raping her and he has her at vantage cause she's on drugs and she's not herself

I saw everything.. she doesn't wanna be doing it but I injected a lot of that stuff into her and I'm not even sure if it's safe to have that much in her system.

" What do you need help with? " Lucas asked

I tried to make up a lie

" Uh.. So you like basketball .. Right? " I asked

" I guess " he said with a smile

" I wanna buy my boyfriend something for his birthday coming up but I don't know which jersey to get him and he never told me which team he likes.. Suggestions? " I asked

He started thinking and naming off teams

" The Golden State warriors are me and Kira's favorite " he said smiling from ear to ear when saying that

" Oh.. Really? " I said

He nodded

" Yeah I know everything about her.. From her insecurities to things she loves " he said cheerfully

I felt horrible now

They have a kid too...

What have I done?


Don't hop on Kira case she is DRUGGED!

Viagra is a sex pill.. It makes you horny and what's happening is she's being held against her advantage on that pill.

Trust me I would never! Especially how many times Kira has been raped by her father I don't think she would, Lucas been nothing but faithful and true to her I wouldn't even.

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