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" W-What did I do wrong?? " I ask crying on Zae

I've never been so heartbroken in my life especially not by somebody I truly love

" It's not you Kira.. " she sighs

" It's Lucas he don't realize how good you are to him and he won't until your gone " she says

I keep crying because I was just speechless I'm so hurt and I've never felt this way before. I feel useless.

I feel a tap on my leg and I look up at Jr


As my mama looks at me with wet stuff in her eyes, I think those called tears, my little heart breaks..

I may be young and not know everything in the world

But it hurts my heart seeing my mama hurt by my dada from what it seems like

I love both my parents and I would be sad if I gotta live with only one of them.

I crawl on the couch next to my god-mama Zae and I hug my mama tight laying on her.

If dada isn't here to do it cause he the one who fuc- Messed it up imma be here for my mama until the time comes and imma even still be here for her because she is not only my mother but my best friend both of my parents are.. Other then Landon and London being my best friends too I love my parents and whatever is going on I hope it's okay soon...


I wipe my eyes as Jr is hugging me

My son is apart of my happiness and I don't know what I would do without him or Zae.

I'm staying strong for my son because I still wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him.

1 hour later...

" Getcho' dumbass in the house jackass " I hear Diggy say

I don't mind I just keep sleeping on Zae lap because her thighs are hella soft they like two big pillows yo

" Man chill with the name calling nigga " I hear Lucas say as his voice booms through the living room

I jump from the sound of it and my eyes flutter open

There he was standing there as if nothing happened between him and her.

I sit up wiping my eyes because I was on the verge of crying again just as I remove my hands from my eyes

Jr gets up and he runs over to Lucas and hits him on the leg with his car toy

" Ow! Jr! " he yelps

" You- You hurt my mama! " Jr stutters

He was learning how to talk better and better day by day he is doing good for a two year old, Jr is different from most two year olds he know how to talk like a toddler now he's a early developer in other words.

" Luh boy " Lucas groans

" Jr why don't you take Landon and London upstairs to your room and play with your new play doh.. turn on some tv too. I'll bring up some snacks " I say

" Grapes too? " he asks

I smile and nod

" Yes grapes too " I say

" Yes! " Jr says and he waves them over as they all run up the stairs

I glare over at Lucas and stand to my feet going into the kitchen

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