Chapter 3

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Roman's POV:

We unlocked the door silently and peek inside. There was no one in the living room, but there was still laughter. It was coming from upstairs. I look at Virgil, seeing he has the same confused expression. I walk up the stairs to see Remy and Patton having a tickle war.

I quickly take a picture before Virgil got up the stairs. "Ready?" He whispers to me. "Ready." I open the bedroom door to reveal me and Virgil. "Greetings Remy and Patton!" "Dad! Papa!" Patton rushed over looking like he was crying. "Why are you crying?" Virgil asks glaring at Remy. "Unie Remy was tickling me." He giggles. Virgil sighs, ending his death glare. "Well, I think I should go. I haven't had coffee in, like, an hour." Remy states. "Bye, Unie Remy!"


Patton's POV: (finally)

It is two days 'til my birthday! It is also 5 years I haven't seen Logan. I miss him. "Patton?" I look up and see Papa looking at me. "Yes, Papa?" "Are you okay?" Papa puts his hand on my cheek. "Yea! I'm okay!" "Are you sure? You seemed sad." I take his hand off my face. "Yes, Papa. Just thinking about Logi..." Papa frowns. "It's okay to feel sad, Patton." I look in his eyes. "When will I see him again?" Papa stiffened. "Um, Roman!" Dad comes in my room with a sword.

"What happened?! Where's the danger?!" Papa pinched the bridge of his nose. "Patton and I wanted to talk to you." Dad picked me up and put me on his shoulders. "Don't worry, Bud. In two days everything is gonna be a-okay." "Okay, Dad." We began to dance out the room. "Let's go, Dearest!" Papa huffed and smiles as he joins us.


After an hour of dancing, Papa collapsed on the couch. "Papa?" I asked. "Yes, Sunshine?" I smiled. He hasn't called me 'Sunshine' in a long time. "Would you like me to get your energy drink?" Papa smiles. "No need, I'll get it." Papa sat up and stretched then got up and walked to the kitchen. Dad came down the stairs and greeted me. "Hello, Patt. Where is your father?" "Papa's in the kitchen." Papa closed the fridge door and hugged Dad.  "Energy drinks?" "Energy drinks." Papa handed me something to drink. "Virgil!" "It's Gatorade!"

"Thank you, Papa!" I drank it quickly. "So, anyone up for Disney?" Dad asked. "All the time, Princey." Papa said. I giggled. "So... Rapunzel or Brave?" "BRAVE!" I shout. Papa chuckles. "Pop it in, Princey." "Sure thing, Love."


Hey. Yea... Sorry about the first chapters being build up.

Hope you liked it! ~ Myra

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