Chapter 10

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Virgil's POV:

Who did this teacher think she is?! She can't just SCOLD MY CHILD!!! I was raging in the living room when Roman walked down the stairs "UGH!" I sat down on the couch roughly. "She can't just shun him, Roman!" Roman sat next to me. "What happened, Love?" "Patton's new teacher, Mrs. Dalive, scolded him for laughing quietly. Can you believe it?!" Roman looked confused. "Why was he laughing?" I looked up at him. "Are you taking her side?!" "No, no! I just want to know what happened!" I sighed. "Pranks told him a joke. He said Mrs. Olive instead of Mrs. Dalive." I laughed a little. "Mrs. Olive." Roman started laughing. "It is quite funny, but why did she scold him?" "That's what I'm getting at. I'm having a chat with her next week." Roman nodded. "I might as well come with, should we bring Patton?" I shook my head. "No, Remy can babysit. Plus, I might get out of hand." Roman smirked. "You tend to, Love."


Patton's POV:

We made a new friend along with a new enemy. Lillian seems nice and she tends to scold her brother, JC, for bulling us. He still does but only when we aren't with his sister. We also met a boy I have a lot in common with. His name is Luis I believe. He loves dad jokes and Kittens. Luis told Logan, Missy, Pranks, and I that his great grandfather was on the Titanic. Too bad he died, Luis said he was cool. Anyway, Luis is also in our class but he sits at the other end of the classroom. "Guys! My parents said it was okay for me to sleep over!" Missy was jumping with joy. "Awesome!" Pranks had asked everyone to sleep over his house. "Shoot! I forgot to ask! Sorry." I said, lowering my head. "It's aright. Just ask after school!" Pranks said. Logan said he could and Luis could as well. We still haven't thought of a prank for Mrs. Dalive yet. (Help, I'm not creative.)


"Patton?" I lifted my head up from my paper. "Hm?" I hummed a response. "You've been staring at your homework for 10 minutes now. What's up?" Papa said looking at me. "Nothing. Oh yea! Pranks is having a sleepover next week and I was wondering if I could go?" Papa looked confused for a second then responded. "When is it?" "Friday." Papa smiled a bit. "Sure, I needed to go to a meeting anyway." My eyes widened. "Thank you Papa!" I hugged him. "No prob, Sunshine." He hugged back as I smiled. "Hey, you guys are having snuggle time without me?" Dad said coming down the stairs. "Oh hush, Roman." Papa said smiling. Dad always said that Papa's smile was rare, I wonder why it isn't that rare anymore. I shook my head out of thought. "Come snuggle, Dad!" I smiled wider. "I shall gladly oblige." He said jumping next to Papa.

"I shall gladly snuggle with you Prince Roman." Papa said leaning towards Dad. "I thought I was the Prince?" I said confused. "You're still a Prince, Sunshine. But I am not a Prince no more, I am a King!" Dad said raising his hands. "And I am your Knight in shining armor." Papa said. I smiled. "And I'm the Prince in the middle!" I said hugging both of them tightly. They both laughed and hugged back. "Papa?" Papa looked down at me. "Hm?" He hummed. "Why was your smile rare? It's very pretty..." Papa messed with my hair. "Because I didn't have a family like you." He said then kissed my forehead. "And you moron." He said then kissed Dad. "I've evolved from idiot to moron, nice." Dad said sarcastically. "Hush, you." Papa smirked.


Aww, everything is so peaceful. I'm debating whether to switch POV's and go to someone else's house for a change. Maybe I should. ~ Myra

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