Chapter 7

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Logan's POV:

I had woke up around 8:30 in Patton's room. He was still sleeping on his bed when I had woken up. I took one look at him and there was a tugging sensation in my chest again. What is this feeling? I grabbed my glasses and put them on. I stretched as I realized Patton began to stir. "Good morning, Patt." Patton dug his head in his blanket. "Hmmmm. A little longer." I assume he was talking about sleep. "Come on, Patt. We need to get ready." Patton groaned and pushed the blanket off his face. Patton sat up, eyes still closed. "Patton, you need you wake up fully." "Can I stay? I'm tired..." Patton looked at me with one eye closed. "Patton." "Okay, okay." Patton giggled and stretched.


After we had eaten, Patton and I had decided to play some games with his parents. "So, Uno, Scramble, Candy Land, and Trouble?" Virgil said, carrying the board games into the room. "Yes, Sir." He chuckled and put the board games down. "Don't call me Sir, it's too formal. Call me Virge." Patton, who was sitting next to me, started to laugh. "Papa, you say that to everyone!" Virgil smiled. "Well, If Patton doesn't like it, you can call me Virgil." I smirked. "Let's start shall we?" Roman said sitting down next to Patton. "We shall."


"HOW?!" Virgil had won the past four games and Patton seemed frustrated. "Papaaa." Patton whined as Virgil smiled. "I'm sorry, I'm just too good." Roman was taken aback. "Whoa, since when did I rub off on you?" Roman said playfully. I was currently rubbing Patton's back in hope of support. I heard something from Patton I could barely make out. "I never win..." It felt like it was necessary to hug Patton so I did. He froze and there was silence. I immediately regret my actions. "S-sorry." I pull out of the hug. Why am I stuttering? The room was still silent and I started fiddling with my thumbs. Why am I nervous all the sudden? Did his parents notice? Does he not want to play anymore? Why am I worried? "Logi!" I lifted my head up and faced Patton. "I-I forgive you..." Patton suddenly hugged me tightly. I wrap my arms around his torso. "Ahem." We both look up and see Virgil smiling and Roman with a camera. "P-Papa! Dad!" Patton unwrapped out of the hug and started chasing his Fathers. I sat in the middle of the floor not quite possessing what just happened.


Hello. Again, I am sorry for the slow uploads. Procrastination will be the end of me. ~ Myra

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