Chapter 11

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TW: abuse
Patton's POV:

"No. Papa, please!" I was curled up in the corner of my bedroom with a black eye and a bloody nose. "Should have thought about that before you snuck off!" Papa yelled, hitting me once again, then again, and again. "I'm sorry! Please, Papa, stop!" I begged as my black eye got worse. "Don't tell me to stop!" He hit me harder. "P-Papa!" "SHUT UP!" He took off his belt. I scooted away fast and crawled under my bed. He grabbed my ankle. "Get back here! I never told you to leave!" I started crying. "N-no! Papa p-please!" I closed my eyes waiting for impact.

I jolted awake with warm tears on my face. My breath was quick and I could barely breath. I put my glasses on quickly and looked at the time and it read 2:23. I curled up and sobbed into my legs. "Patton?" I looked up to see Dad in the doorway in his pajamas. "Patton! What's wrong?!" He ran to my side as I continued to sob. "P-Papa was h-hitting m-me a-and I w-was trying t-to get-" Dad rocked me in his arms. "Sh, Patton, it was just a nightmare." Dad said. "B-but it felt s-so real..." "I know. Do you want me to get your father?" I nodded. He left the room to get Papa. About 5 minutes later Papa rushed in without makeup and with his hair pointing in different directions. "Patton! Are you okay? What happened? Are you hurt?!" Papa panicked. "P-Papa!" I yelled hugging him and crying into his pajama top. "I h-had a b-bad dream and i-it was awful." I managed to say in between sobs. "It's okay, we're here." Papa said signaling Dad to come over. Dad sat on the other side of me on my bed and hugged me. "Did you have a flashback?" Dad asked. I lowered my head and nodded. "Oh, Patton..." Papa said pulling me closer.

"I promise, we will not harm you in any way." Dad said pulling me and Papa into a hug. "I know... Sorry for waking you up at 2 in the morning..." Papa patted my head. "You can't control nightmares. I'm just glad I got to comfort you." He said. I smiled. "Thanks Papa, thanks Dad." "No problem, Sunshine." Dad said. "Now, get some sleep. You have school in about 5 hours." Papa said messing with my hair again. I giggled. "Okay, night." "Night, Patt." Papa said. "Good night, Sunshine." They walked out the room and closed the door. I don't know if I could go back to sleep... I took off my glasses and lied down on my bed trying to get comfortable. I eventually fell asleep again, no dreams this time.


Don't ya just love angst? Okay, no more angst. The next two chapters will be angst free. ~ Myra


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