Chapter 16

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A:N: Do you guys want a Q & A chapter? I might make one but only if you want! Anyway, enjoy the chapter!

Luis's POV:

Finally, the movie was finished. Time to put my plan in action. You see, my dear friend, I am trying to get Peppy and Analog Clock together. Prankster and Nicey over here as well. That's why I slept on the couch last night. "...s? Luis?" I snap out of my plans and look over my shoulder and see Missy sitting there. "Hey, Nicey." He cringed slightly at the nickname. "I was asking if you would like to play some games with us, since it's a sleepover and all." I looked over the side of the couch to see Pranks, Patton, and Logan setting up Twister. Perfect. "Dude, come on and join. Also, stop smiling like a maniac." I didn't even realize I was smiling. "Coming." I said. What should I do? Put grease on the mat? Trip one of them on the other? Oh! I should sabotage the spinning wheel! "Hey, I don't like this game, can I be the spinner?" I asked making puppy eyes. "Sure, Lucky!" I smiled. "Lucky? Is that a nickname for me, Peppy?" I asked Patton. "Yup!" He said smiling.


Missy's POV:

I was trying so hard not to laugh. It was Logan and Patton's turn and Logan ended up on top of Patton. They were so red! I bursted and laughed hysterically. "Y-you two a-are t-too much!" I said in between laughs. "H-hey! Stop laughing!" Patton said, still red. Logan collapsed on top of Patton which made me laugh more. "S-sorry, Patton." Logan apologized while getting off him. "It's okay." Patton reassured. I was basically wheezing to the point where I was coughing. "Get him water, stat!" I heard Luis yell. "Got it!" Pranks yelled back then ran to the kitchen. Patton patted my back trying to calm my coughing fit.

Pranks came back with a glass full of water. I started chugging the glass until halfway I started coughing again. "Missy! Oh my gosh!" Pranks yelled, now helping me drink out of the cup. "I-im good!" I said. "I don't care, I'm still helping you." Pranks said rather sternly. I nodded my head. Please don't blush, please don't blush, please don't blush. "I care for ya, Missy." Pranks said. I blushed. DANG IT! "Y-yea, me too." Pranks smiled. "Well,you're not coughing anymore so I guess you're fine." He said as he patted my back. "Mhm!" I hummed and smiled.

Luis's POV:

My plan is working perfectly.


Luis the Cupid/Fourth Wall Breaker, what next? My ships are coming together, it's so beautiful. ~ Myra

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