Chapter 23

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A/N: Everybody buckle up and get ready for savage Remy.

Remy's POV:

I woke up to singing. I didn't know who's singing it was, but it was magnificent. I crept out of bed and looked at my clock, 12:23. I groaned quietly and walked into the hall. I realized the singing came from the guest room. Must be Patton. I thought as I smiled. I neared the door and looked in sneakily. To my surprise, Patton was out cold. It was Logan who was singing. I was confused but happy nonetheless. I'll bring this up tomorrow. I thought.


Everyone was up and in the living room talking about who knows what. I was in the kitchen making breakfast. Pranks walked up to me with a... Sad expression? I was confused. "You alright, Baby?" I asked him. He sighed. "Today is the last day! Tomorrow Luis has to go shopping with his mom, Missy has to take care of his little brother Imaj, and Patton and Logan are going over uncle Virge's house!" He listed sadly. I squatted down and ruffled his hair.

"Don't worry, Bud. When they leave tomorrow I promise you will have some quality time with me and your mother." "But you guys always fight through it!" He stated. It was true, but it's not my fault. She's a lying, cheating asshole, but we try to keep it at a low around our son. I found her drunk and full of bruises one night.


Sarah walked through the door, drunk, full of bruises, and still had a bottle in hand. I was cleaning up a mess that Pranks had made until I heard a smash. I looked behind me to see Sarah with a broken bottle top threatening our EIGHT YEAR OLD SON. "SARAH! WHAT THE HELL!" I grabbed Pranks and pushed Sarah out the door.

"Come on Remyyy." She said stretching the y. "No, this is over. You can't just come home, drunk and all, and threaten our son! Like, what the hell did you even do?!" She laughed and held her stomach. "Oh Remy. I just had the best sex of my life." I stood there shocked. She didn't, did she? That's it, she has to leave. "Bye bitch, you're leaving, right now." I said as I pushed her further out the door. "You can't do this! I own him!" "Not anymore you don't." I said as I slammed the door.

She knocked harshly over and over. "Let me in!" She shouted. "No. I'm leaving you. It's over Sarah." She knocked harder. "You can't do this! No one else will love your gay ass!" She shouted. "It's called being bisexual, get it right next time. Oh wait, there is no next time." I yelled. The knocking stopped soon after that. I sighed and walked over to Pranks. "Are you okay, Baby?" I asked him. He nodded and almost tipped me over in a hug. I laughed and hugged back. "I love you Dad." I heard him say. I smiled and kissed his head. "Love you too Prankster."


Okay, maybe that wasn't the best idea. "How about I take you to my job tomorrow?" His face lighted up. "Yes, please!" I chucked. "Okay then. Everybody! Food is ready!" I shouted as I set plates down on the table. As we ate I saw out of the corner of my eye Patton and Logan were holding hands. I smiled and shook my head. My brother is going to go nuts. I thought.


Woo! Done! And OMG I still can't believe we hit one THOUSAND reads!! Thank you all! ~ Myra

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