Chapter 5

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Logan's POV:

I had recently gone to Patton's birthday celebration. I had missed Patton greatly and it seemed like the feeling was mutual. I don't know why but every time I am near Patton I feel safer. Have I developed feelings for him? Does he feel the same way? I had so many questions that I couldn't answer. That frustrated me. I will never understand emotions.

I was currently sleeping at Patton's apartment. "Logan?" I turned my head to see Patton's father, Virgil, looking at me. "Yes?" "Are you okay? You seemed to space out during the movie." He stated. "Well, yes I am fine, but how can you space out if-" "It's an expression." He cut me off. "Oh. Well, sorry for 'spacing out'." He laughed then turn towards the television. 

About halfway through the movie I felt a gravitational pull on my shoulder. Patton had fallen asleep on my shoulder. I felt a tug where my chest was. It was uncomfortable yet soothing. I turned my attention to the sleeping human on my left. My breath hitched for a moment. Patton's hair was messy, his cardigan loosely tied, and his glasses at an angle. His freckles also seemed to show more. He's so adorable. I smiled to myself until Virgil caught me staring at his son.

Virgil's POV:

"Holy- Roman, get the camera!" I whispered to Roman. He looked over my shoulder to see Patton laying on Logan's shoulder. Roman opened his mouth, probably to squeal, but I quickly put my hand over it. "Roman, camera." "Will do!" He whispered. I looked over only to be met by Logan's eyes. "H-hello..." He stuttered. "Hey." I said sternly. Then Roman snapped a picture. Logan jumped, turning his face as red as Roman's sash.

"Got it!" Roman shouted, waking up Patton. "Logi?" He said, then turned bright red. "S-sorry! I didn't mean to fall asleep!" Patton apologized over and over. "It is quite alright, Patt." Patton seemed to go star-eyed. "Aw, Logi! You haven't called me that in forever!" "Well it wasn't forever but I know what you mean." I held my stomach. "Aw, guys stop, I'm gonna puke from too much cuteness." "Going to." Logan corrected me. "Haha, watch it." I stated. "Now Love, be nice to Patton's bo-FRIEND, Patton's friend." "Correction Dad, Patton's BESTfriend. How was that Logi?" He smiled. "Perfect."


I'm gonna puke. There's too much cuteness in this darn thing. ~ Myra

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