Chapter 8

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Patton's POV:

Today was Monday so that meant school time! I just got moved to fourth grade and Logan was in the same class too! Logan left last night so he can get ready for school as well. "Patton!" I heard Papa call me from the kitchen. "Coming, Papa!" I grabbed my light blue backpack and ran down the stairs. Dad was at the bottom of the stairs waiting for me. "Hi Da-" Right before I could finish I tripped on the last stair. Dad caught me midair. "Sunshine! Don't die on me now!" I laughed at this. "Sorry, Dad." Dad hugged me tightly. Dad was always one for being extra, at least that's what Papa says. "Quit hugging him, we need to go!" Papa grabbed his keys and took Dad's hand. "Come on! You don't want to be late, do you?" "No, Papa." I started walking faster.


Papa and Dad finished talking to my new Principal. I can finally ride a bus now! I said bye to Papa and Dad and made my way to room 401. I walk in and, to my surprise, Missy, Pranks, and Logan was there already. "Hi guys!" Missy was the first to see me. "Hi, Patt!" I smile and wave. "Sup, Patton!" "Hello, Patton." I sat at the table they were at. "I can't believe we have the same class!" We chatted until the teacher came in. "Hello everyone. I am Mrs. Dalive. Welcome to fourth grade." Mrs. Dalive was talking as Pranks tapped my shoulder. "Mrs. Dalive? More like Mrs. Olive." I laughed a little bit until Mrs. Dalive caught me. "You must be Patton. Hello there." Oh no. She put me on the spot! "Hi?" She shot a dirty look my way. "Well, since I saw your mouth moving I guess you have something to say?" "No Mrs." I could feel the tension between us, it was uncomfortable. "Then don't talk while I'm talking." There was slight venom in her voice as everyone else started to 'oooooh'. "Yes Mrs." "Good. Now..." She continued talking as I slumped down in my chair. Not the best way to start the day.


It was lunch time and Mrs. Dalive wasn't a very nice teacher. She eyeballed me, took Missy's glitter notebook away, broke Pranks' rainbow pencil, and even made Logan sit at a different table because he corrected her. She said she was moving him back tomorrow but I still didn't like her. I sat down at our class lunch table with Missy, Pranks, and Logan. "I don't like Mrs. Olive." Pranks said sticking his fork into his food. "Mrs. Dalive is our teacher, but yes, I do share these negative feelings towards her." Logan stated. "She had done many things to us! SHE BROKE MY PENCIL!!!" I flinched at his sudden outburst. "Calm down, Pranks. Hey! Maybe we should give her a taste of her own medicine!" Missy exclaimed. "But she is not taking medication." Logan said, confused. "It was an expression, LoLo. It means getting revenge." I said smiling. "Oh, well I will gladly oblige." He said with a tiny smirk.


I already hate Mrs. Dalive and I was the one who made her up. Also, longest chapter so far! Yay! ~ Myra

P.S. there will be a slight trigger warning in the next chapter. ~ Myra

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