Chapter 19

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A/N: I just looked at the view count and it was at 666 views. O-O

Patton's POV:

I just hung up Pranks' phone after Uncle Remy was done talking. "Pranks! It was Uncle Remy!" I yelled from his room. "Cool! What did he say?" He yelled from the living room. "He said he was on his way!" "Cool!" I placed the phone down and rushed down the stairs. "Shouldn't Virgil be coming to pick you up, Patt?" Logan said. I thought for a moment. Hmm, probably. This means I have to spend less time with Logan! I'm gonna dedicate the rest of my time to spending time with Logan! I snapped from my thoughts when Luis snapped his fingers in front of my face. "Earth to Peppy! Lucky is calling from planet Earth!" I giggled and moved his hand out of the way. "I'm good." I said smiling.

I scooted closer to Logan. "Patton." I heard someone say. I turned my head to see Logan looking at me. "Yea?" "Can I talk to you... A-alone?" He stuttered. I blushed and nodded. Logan grabbed my hand and tugged me up the stairs to the guest room. Wait, didn't we almost kiss in here?! I gulped.  "L-logan?" He jumped a little and turned around so I can face him. "Yes?" He asked nervous. "What did you want to talk about?" I asked trying to be calm. "I wanted to talk about this morning..." I suddenly didn't want to spend the whole day with Logan, I wanted to run and hide. "O-oh..." I stuttered. "I'm sorry, I got too close and I knew you didn't-" He cut me off. "Patton, don't be sorry. I actually wanted to keep going..." He whispered the last part. My eyes widened.

"Patton, I was going to ask, will you be my... Significant other?" He looked very nervous and he was fidgeting with his fingers. I covered my mouth and teared up. I shook my head vigorously. He smiled the widest smile I've ever seen. I leaped forward and almost knocked him over in a hug. He hugged back and petted my hair. "You have no idea how long I've waited for you to say that..." I whispered. "You see, I don't just like you."

Luis's POV:

Hey, you know that I can see beyond the fourth wall, right? I know what Logan and Patton are doing. My plan has worked. Now time for Pranks and Missy.


THIS IS NOT THE END OF THE BOOK! When it does end I will make a sequel. But when that day comes I'll worry about it. I feel like I'm rushing. ~ Myra

I Don't Just Like You - LogicalityWhere stories live. Discover now