Chapter 20

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Missy's POV:

Patton and Logan walked down the stairs, sitting back down. Patton looked like he was going to cry. "Patton, you okay?" I asked. He nodded and I saw tears escape his eyes. "Patto-" Before I could finish my sentence Logan wrapped his arms around him. "Are you satisfactory, Patton?" Logan asked. Patton shot his famous smile. "Yup, these are happy tears." Patton said. "Well, I see you guys have talked it out." Luis said wiggling his eyebrows. I looked at Pranks and he smirked. I was confused and then it hit me. "ooooooOOOOH MY GOD ARE YOU TWO...?" Patton smiled at me and nodded. "FINALLY!" Pranks exclaimed with both arms raised. I stood up and walked towards the couple. "Can I borrow Logan for a bit?" I asked. Patton looked confused and so did Logan. "Sure, Missy." Patton said.

I grabbed Logan's wrist and bolted up the stairs towards Pranks' room. I dragged him in and closed the door. "Sit." I sternly pointed towards the office chair in the corner of the room. He nodded and grabbed the chair to sit. "So." I grabbed another chair and sat down. "Do you know why I brought you in here?" He took a deep breath then answered. "I assume you wanted to talk about me and Patton?" "Correct."He stiffened and exhaled loudly.


Pranks' POV:

" THE SHIP HAS SAILED, WHOOP WHOOP!" I yelled through the house with my arms up. Patton chuckled. "What about you and Missy?" He said. I instantly shut up and sunk down to the floor with my head in my hands. "Patton." Luis said. I looked up at Luis hopefully. "You know the ship is called Misleading Pranks!" Luis said with a smug grin. I groaned in my hands. "I hate you all." I mumbled into my hands. "Aw, come on, we were just joking with ya!" Patton said smiling at me. "It's not that." I said fixing my posture. "It's that you guys know I have a crush on him." I said frowning. "I don't even think he's gay." I mumbled.

Luis gave me a look. "He's gay, Pranks." He said. I looked at him. "How do you know?" I questioned. "Lucky guess?" Luis said. I dug my head in my hands again. "Don't worry, I'm sure he likes you too!" Patton assured me. "I hope so." I mumbled into my hands again.


Aw Pranksy has a crush! Remind me never to say Pranksy again. ~ Myra

P.S. Sorry for not updating, I'll try to update faster. Also, AHHHHHH WE GOT TO 700 READS!!!! ~ Myra

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