Chapter 13

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A/N: Wow. Y'all didn't even give me a day. Well, you will get a face reveal.... At the end of this chapter. >:3

Pranks' POV:

Today was gonna be awesome. It was a Friday and I was currently on the bus. We all got seat buddies, as the bus driver likes to call it. My seat buddy is Missy, Logan and Patton are seat buddies, and so are Luis and Lillian. JC sits with a 5th grader, a mean one too. That's what he gets. We all decided on a prank for Mrs. Dalive, the glitter bomb prank. We had been working on the prank after school since Wednesday. Logan had built a remote controlled glitter bomb, Patton helped disguise it, Luis even helped a little.

It was finally finished, now all we have to do is put it under her desk. "So, for the prank, when do we put it under the desk?" Missy looked at me. "I don't know... I'll ask!" Missy turned his head around the seat. Logan and Patton sat two seats behind us and Luis and Lillian sat above us to the left. About a minute later Missy retracted. "Logan said when we get in the class before she comes in, then he will press the button when we leave the class." I pouted. "But I want to see the explosion!" Missy giggled a little. "Me too. Why don't we look through the window in the door? (You know what I mean.)" I smiled wide. "Yea! Why not?" Missy smiled as well then turned around to tell Logan and Patton and I told Luis.


It was the end of class when the dismissal bell rang. We had already put the glitter bomb under her desk without her noticing. Luis, Patton, Logan, Missy, and I walked out of the classroom after everyone else. we closed the door and looked through the glass. "Wait for it..." I said signaling Logan to wait. Through the window i saw Mrs. Dalive sit down at her desk, scooting closer. "Now!" I signaled Logan to push the button. He pushed it as everyone watched through the tiny window. It set off right under her legs. We heard a scream and a chair falling. We started to laugh as another teacher turned the corner. Oh no. "RUN!" Luis yelled. We all booked it to the front yard of the school. We were out of breath from running and laughing. "That was so worth the wait!" Patton exclaimed. "It was quite humorous." Logan said laughing a little.

"HEY! You all are suspended for a week!!" We turn around to see a pissed Mrs. Dalive covered in glitter. "Okay, Mrs. Olive!" Missy exclaimed. "Mrs. DALIVE!!!" She shouted back. we started walking away, proud of ourselves. "Whatever. Bye, Mrs. Olive!" Patton said. We started to laugh then remembered we all were suspended. 


Okay! So, I got 400 reads! Yay! Now for the face reveal... Oh boy. Oh well, here ya go!

 Oh well, here ya go!

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Hey dat's meeeeee

Dat's silly me XD

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Dat's silly me XD

Enjoy me and my silly faces/stories. ~ Myra

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