Chapter 9

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TW: bullying, homophobia (I'm sorry ;-;)
Missy's POV:

Today was the day to get back at Mrs. Olive. I despised her, she threw away my notebook because it was glittery. I met Pranks, Logan, and Patton at the bus stop. "I told Papa about Mrs. Dalive and he said he will take care of her at the meeting in a week." Patton said smiling. "Nice! But we need more venom in our plan..." I said. "Oh! How about a prank?" Pranks said, gleaming. "It's your specialty." "It's OUR specialty." Pranks said, bumping my arm. The bus finally pulled up and it was packed! We barely found seats, I ended up sharing a seat with Pranks while Patton shared a seat with Logan.

Logan's POV:

I was currently sharing a seat with Patton on our school bus. The bus was quite cramped so everyone had a partner to sit with. The ride was really bumpy so I tried to straighten myself but ended up brushing my hand against Patton's. "My apologues." I swear, I saw a faint blush on Patton's face. "It's okay." He said smiling. That smile can warm anyone's heart. I smiled until we heard a boy on the bus. "Ew, do you guys like each other or something? Freaks." He said turning towards us. "N-no! He's my friend." I heard a faint voice crack when Patton said 'friend' and it seemed I was the only one who noticed. "Yes, you do! Ew, you guys are gay freaks." My patience was running thin. I pulled my hands into fists. "First off, we are not freaks. Second, there is nothing wrong with being gay." I stated.

"So you admit it! You're gay! You are a freak if you're gay." I was getting furious at this guy. I clutched my fists tighter. Patton put his hand on my hand. "Logi, no. It's not worth it." He said, saddened. I patted his hand and turned back to the rude boy. "Why are you asking us this?" I asked him. "Because freaks like y'all deserve to die." He said then turned around. Patton looked like he was going to cry. There was a weird feeling in my chest again but it was different this time, very uncomfortable. I don't like it when people, especially Patton, cry. I wanted to punch that kid square in his face.

Patton's POV:

I felt like crying but I managed to hold it together. I didn't want to break down in front of Logan, nor anyone else. I heard the seat in front of us talking. "JC! That wasn't very nice!" A girl poked her head over the seat. "Hi, I'm Lillian! Sorry, my bro can be mean..." Logan huffed and looked at Lillian. "I forgive you, but not him." Logan said. I nodded. "I don't blame ya, he can be impulsive." Lillian sat back down as the bus arrived at school.


Hi! Sorry for this chapter, I needed drama to keep this thing going. I just love angst. Y'all are safe for now. ~ Myra

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