Chapter 18

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A/N: Soooo.... About last chapter... I'm not sorry, I'm just disappointed. IT COULD HAVE BEEN BETTER! Okay, enjoy the chapter.

Remy's POV: (it's been too long my friend)

I had just finished my shift at Hot Topic, time to get a coffee. I was walking towards the Starbucks in the mall I work at when Virgil called me. I pressed answer and held the phone up to my ear. "What's shakin'?" I said. "We have a problem." I got concerned and stopped walking. "What is it?" "Roman and I lost a spider in our house and we're supposed to pick up Patton! What do we do?! We can always grab the gasoline and-" I cut him off. "Whoa, whoa. Bro, you can't just set the house on fire." "Why not? We have no other choice, we're never gonna find it and Patton is gonna find a freaking THREE INCH SPIDER!" I flinched and pulled the phone away from my ear. "Chill. Don't get all worked up, like, that's not helping." I said sitting down on a nearby booth.

"What else am I supposed to do?! I don't suppose you could let Patton stay over until we find it!" He shouted. "That's not a bad idea. They are, like, suspended." I heard an 'oh' from the other line. "Well, ttyl Virge." "See ya later." "Oh, and tell Roman I said hi." I said then hung up. I sat up and stretched. How long was I talking? I check the time on my phone to see it was 2:43. I quickly typed in my son's number (yes, I'm giving Pranks a phone). "Hello?" A familiar voice picked up but I knew it wasn't Pranks.

"Who is this?" I asked the familiar voice. "Patton! Who's this?" I sighed in relief. "Are you some hitman? I swear if you are and you plan to hurt my friend I will find you-" I cut him off. "Whoa, easy there Patt. It's Uncle Remy." I heard him gasp. "Really?! Sorry for threatening you..." "It's fine, I would do the same tbh." I said. "Really?" He asked. "Yea, if you were some person calling my bro's, or your dad's, phone." I heard him 'aw'. "Well, tell Pranks I'll be home soon." "Okay! Bye, Uncle Remy!" I smiled. "Bye, bud." I then hung up, and stood up. I started walking towards Starbucks, ready to order coffee.


What is the word count? I kind of wanted to stop typing at 420. But anyways the Q&A y'all wanted is down below!












Jon (because he's Logan's other dad and I ship Sandart.)


Mrs Dalive

Is that all of them? Tell me if I missed anyone, and I will add them. ~ Myra

P.S. It was exactly one month ago when I started this book. I'm so glad it progressed this far so soon! I love all of you guys, girls, and non binary peps! ❤💜💙💚💛💘💝💖💗💟 ~ Myra

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