Chapter 15

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A/N: OMG 500+ READS!! Sorry I didn't update sooner, I've been busy with school and other junk. But enjoy the chapter!

Patton's POV:

I lifted my eyelids slowly to be greeted by a sleeping Logan. I looked at him and smiled at how calm he looks. I finally realized the position we were in as I blushed and stumbled off the side of the bed. (Me.) "Patton?" I heard a sleepy voice ask. I slid under the bed in embarrassment. "Patton? Are you okay?" The voice, which belonged to Logan, asked again. "Mhm." I hummed a response. Logan's head popped up off the side of the bed which made me jump. "Are you sure? You are quite red." I smile at him. "Yup! I'm fine!" I saw him frown and pull me from under the bed.

"Why were you down there?" He asked. I blushed even more. "Um, well, I, fell off the bed?" Dang it, that shouldn't have sounded like a question. Logan moved closer to my face which made my breath hitch. "I don't believe you~." Logan said. Wait, is he being seductive?! "Tell me, what were you doing down there?" He said. "I-I stumbled off the bed..." I looked down sadly. Logan lifted my head up and kept his fingers on my chin. "It's nothing to be ashamed of." He smiled and leaned closer. I closed my eyes and leaned closer until...

"GUYS COME ON, BREAKFAST IS READY!!!" We jumped and moved away. "PRANKS LEAVE THEM!!" We heard another shout. I looked at Logan seeing the same shade of red on his face. "Should we... go?" I asked, flushed. "I s-suppose so." Logan stuttered.


Luis's POV:

"Pranks! Really?!" I shouted at Pranks. "What? The pancakes are getting cold." Pranks said calmly. "Ugh! I swear, the readers are more intelligent then you two." I said crossing my arms. "Hey! Wait, what?" Missy said. "Nothing, just saying you two should look around, look at the love in the air!" I said. "You're single, dude." "So are you, shut up Pranks."

Right on cue, Patton and Logan came down the stairs. "Hey guys!" Missy said in a cheery tone. "Greetings." "Hiya! Say, whats for breakfast?" Patton said. "Just pancakes." Pranks said. Patton looked around the kitchen. "Where's Uncle Remy?" "At his job, he works at Hot Topic." I jumped in the conversation. "Hey Peppy, doesn't your Dad shop there?" Patton looked at me. "Yup! He brings me sometimes, too! And I love the nickname." He said smiling at me. "No problem."

After we ate we sat down on Pranks' big couch that was shaped like an L. "Guys, we've been surfing Netflix for 20 minutes now!" I groaned. "18 minutes to be exact." Logan said. "Sure, whatever, Analog Clock." I shot back at him. Patton gave me a glare. "Luis!" I groan again. "Sorry." I said stretching out the y. Missy finally clicked on a movie called Invisible Sister. (idk if that's on Netflix of not :/.) "Finally!" Pranks exclaimed. Missy giggled and shushed Pranks as the movie started.


Hoi! Again, sorry for not updating, but, we finally made it to half a thousand reads!! ~ Myra

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