Chapter 4

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Roman's POV:

We had just finished setting up the streamers for Patton's birthday. Virgil had found out Patton loved dogs so we dog themed his birthday party. His friends, Missy and Pranks, were going to be there as well as his surprise guest, Logan. He doesn't know Logan will be there but I'm sure he will love the surprise. 

"You ready to let him in?" I ask Virgil. "Sure. Come in!" Patton comes rushing in the party room and stops. He looks very excited. "Thank you Papa! Thank you Dad!" He runs over and gives us hugs. Not long after Patton came in Missy and Pranks came running after. "Patt! You can't just leave us!" Missy exclaimed. "Oops. Sorry!" The three start looking around the room as if they were looking for something. "Hey, hey, no looking for presents!" Virgil shouts. Patton pouts. "Okay Papa." 

Thomas's POV: 

"Logan, are you finished?" "Yes, Father." Logan walks towards me with a backpack on. "You have everything? Toothbrush? Extra clothes just in case?" "Yes." After the party, Logan is going to spend the night at Patton's house (not like that, they're only 10). Jon and I are going to drive to the party and surprise Patton. "I am going to see Patton, correct?" Logan asks. "Yes, Logan." Jon answers. Logan smiles but tries to hide it. 


Patton's POV:

This is the best birthday ever! Missy and Pranks are here, Unie Remy is here, and Papa said there was gonna be a surprise gift! I tried looking for it with Missy and Pranks but Papa always catches us. I was playing with Missy and Pranks when I heard Dad call us. "Patton! Missy! Pranks!" "Coming Dad!" I got up and helped Missy up then Pranks. I ran to Dad and Papa who was sitting at the side of the party table. "Yes Dad?" I asked. "There is something here for you, or should I say, someone." I was confused about the statement but left it be. I walked over to the the door, not knowing what to expect. I opened the door and was shocked at who was standing there.


"Logi!" I wrapped Logan into a tight hug and cried tears of joy. "I missed you..." "So did I. It is nice to see you again." Logan unwrapped the hug. He smiled. I haven't seen him smile in ages. I smiled as wide as I could. "So, wanna play with us?" I pointed towards Missy and Pranks. "Want to, and sure, why not?"


AHHHHHHH THE BABBU IS HERE! I squealed while writing this, that's how cute I thought this was. ~ Myra

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