Chapter 22

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Patton's POV:

It was about midnight and everyone was asleep, including Logan. I was sat up on the small couch staring at a black screen. I had my knees up to my chest and my hair in knots. I can't sleep. I tried closing my eyes to fall asleep, didn't work. What is wrong with me? I sighed and fell back on the couch. I tried closing my eyes again. I heard soft footsteps so I opened one eye. "Patton?" I heard someone say. I hummed a response. "Are you okay? I heard a rather large sigh coming from down here." I sat up, knowing it was Logan. "I can't sleep..." I said raspy. "Patt, you need sleep. Come upstairs with me." He held out his hand. I nodded and took his hand.

He walked me up the stairs and into the guest room. "Thank you..." I said raspy again. "Don't talk, spare your voice." I nodded and lied down. Logan sat next to me and gently grabbed my hand. I gently squeezed his hand and smiled. "Lo?" I said. "Yes?" "Do you sing?" I asked him. He let out a sigh. "I prefer not to." I frowned. "-but I can for you." He slightly smiled. I smiled as well. "Do you want to request anything?" He asked me. I shook my head. "I just want to hear your voice." He chuckled. "Okay, Patton."

Logan's POV:

Italicized = Logan
Bold = Patton
Italicized and bold = Both

Everything you do it sends me
Higher than the moon with every
Twinkle in your eye
You strike a match that lights my heart on fire

When you're near I hide my blushing face
And trip on my shoelaces
Grace just isn't my forte
But it brings me to my knees when you say

How are you
My darling

I fall into a pile on the floor
Puppy love is hard to ignore
When every little thing you do I do

We're as different as can be
I've noticed you're remarkably relaxed
And I'm overly uptight
We balance out each other nicely

You wear sandals in the snow
In mid July I still feel cold
We're opposites in every way
But I can't resist it when you say

How are you
My darling

I fall into a pile on the floor
Puppy love is hard to ignore
When every little thing you do I do

Finding words, I mutter
Tongue tied, twisted
Foot in mouth
I start to stutter
Ha, ha, heaven help me

How are you
My darling

I fall into a pile on the floor
Puppy love is hard to ignore
When every little thing you do I do

Every little thing, ba ba bap ba
Every little thing, ba ba bap ba
Every little thing you do I do

I stopped singing once I noticed Patton was asleep. He's adorable, how did I end up with him? I chuckled at his adorable sleeping state. I slid under the blanket next to him and silently fell asleep.


I'm sorry for leaving y'all for... A week? I don't even know at this point. Well, I actually typed the song from memory because I have to sing it for a talent show. Nerves, ugh. Well, bye! ~ Myra

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