Chapter 12

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Logan's POV:

I woke up quite refreshed. I walked down the stairs in my apartment to see my father making breakfast. "Father?" I asked sleepily. "Hey, Lo! Go get dressed then come eat." I nodded then ran up the stairs. I grabbed a black shirt, white pants, and my blue tie. After I was done changing I grabbed my tan backpack and walked down the stairs for breakfast. "Ready, are we?" I nodded and sat down. "Are you okay? You haven't talked since you came down the stairs earlier." I looked up at him. "I'm fine." I said. "Honey, what's wrong?" I sighed. "I'm getting unknown feelings and I'm having trouble concentrating..." Father lifted my chin up. "What do they feel like?" "Well, my stomach feels weird when I'm around a specific person, my heart rate increases, my face heats up, what is wrong with me? Am I getting sick, father?" Father chuckled. "No, Logan. Let me explain."


After father explained I was curious on why I have these feelings. It was obvious they were for Patton, but why did I have them? We were just friends before, correct? Why am I feeling them now? I shook my head out of thought. "Thank you for the food and the explanation."  I said walking towards the front door. "No problem, Lo. Bye!" "Bye, father." I closed the front door behind me. I started walking towards the bus stop. I arrived at the bus stop to see only Patton and Luis there. "I mean, whatever floats your boat!" I heard Luis say. Patton started to laugh. "Hehe, that was incredible!" Luis rubbed the back of his head. "It wasn't THAT good..." Patton hit his arm. "Of course it was!" Luis smiled. "Thanks, Patt!" I felt something in my stomach again, but it was different. Like the feeling I had when JC harassed us on the bus.

I cleared my throat. Patton was the first to notice me. "Logi!" He ran to me and hugged me tightly. My face heated up. "Hello, Patt." I said. "Where is everyone?" He asked. "I wanted to ask the same." Suddenly Missy and Pranks emerged from behind a house. "Guys!" Pranks said running. "Hey Pranks!" Luis said waving. "Hey, isn't that Uncle Remy's house?" Patton asked. "Yup! Aka, MY house!" Pranks exclaimed. Patton gasped. "So, you're my cousin?!" Patton jumped with glee. "I guess!" Pranks said. "Yay! New family members!!" He ran up to Pranks and hugged him. "Okay, okay, let go, Cuz." Pranks said, prying Patton off him. The bus slowly pulled up. "Hey guys! Come on!" Lillian called from the window. "Coming, Lilly!" Luis said running towards the bus.


Yay! Fluffy chapter! Because this book is progressing so much I might do a face reveal soon! :3 But don't count on it. ~ Myra

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