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After the feast Professor Lupin pulls me as side.
"You are to come to my office before each moon to take your potion. Dumbledore would like to have the both of us in the same place when we transform" he told me in a low voice.

"I understand. Thank you sir." I nod

"You're very welcome. Seeing as the Weasley twins are watching your every move I think now's a good time to make sure they aren't up to anything." He smiled

I turned to see Fred and George on the stairs watching me. I started towards them slightly angry.

"Seems you're getting on with the new teacher pretty well." Fred teased

"Considering we have the same condition yeah I suspect we'd get on well." I sigh

"Ah" George blushed

"But the next umm cycle doesn't start until the end of the month." Fred said quietly

"I know. I've just been informed that I am to take the potion in the same place as he is. Dumbledore wants all of those with this condition in the same place."

"Alright let's get going before Flich tries to put us in detention for standing in one spot for too long." George laughs starting up the stairs

I followed with a smirk "wouldn't that be breaking a record for you two?"

"Yes yes it would be." Fred chuckles

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