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Mad or not? As I carried myself back up to gryffindor tower those words rang in my head.
Remus had to go speak to Snape about an hour after he spoke those words. Fred and George were who knows where now.

"Anne!" Lee Jordan's voice got my attention.

I turned to let him catch up to me.

"Hey Lee." I smiled glad to have company

"Hey, did you find a book on animagi?" Lee asked

"I did. I'll get it for you once we've made it to the common room." I nodded

"You're a lifesaver Anne." Lee grinned

"I do what I can to keep you and the twins caught up." I smiled "speaking of which. Where did those two get off too?"

"We went to the kitchens then we spilt up. I don't really know where they were going." Lee shrugged

"Did you sneak me an apple?" I smiled

Lee reached into his pocket and produced a small red apple.  "I never forget."

I took it from him and smiled. "Only when you're sick"

"What's with you and apples anyway?" Lee asked

"My parents. Every day of the summer they'd give me apples and peanut butter for a snack. It just a way I hold on to them I guess" I shrugged

"Nothing wrong with that." Lee smiled

"It's just a way I remind myself there may be a little hope for them to come back from what they're going through." I said

"I hope for your sake and Neville's that they're condition improves before he graduates." He told me

"So do I. He doesn't really remember them at all. All he knows is what we tell him. I was only three when it happened so I don't remember much." I sighed

"You've had to grow up faster than most to help with Neville. He's lucky to have a sister like you. You could've turned bitter and blamed everyone for what your going through but you didn't." Lee put a hand on my shoulder as we got to the Fat Lady's portrait.

"Thanks. Sometimes I think I'm not as good a sister as I should be with him." I sighed as we climbed into the common room.

"Don't worry about it. Neville thinks you're doing great and so does everyone else."

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