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As soon as transfiguration ends Fred George Lee and I make our way to the library. Lee runs off to the toilet leaving me with Fred and George.

"So Katie and Angelina saw you walking to Hagrid's" Fred grinned

"With our new professor." George finished

"Yes. I was walking with him." I shrugged

"Tell me you're n- bloody hell." Fred jumped

"What?" I asked looking around

"Me." Remus' voice came from behind me making me jump out of my skin.

"Son of a-" I gasped

"Language." Remus chuckled

"Not funny." I rolled my eyes as George burst into laughter.

"How did you not see him Fred?" George laughed

"I wasn't paying attention." Fred grumbled.

"George you're a pain." I sighed

"I'm going to find the book I need." Fred sighed pushing through the library doors

"Don't take it personally. Fred's a bit of a grouch today. He didn't sleep." George told us

"He's alright. I know how it goes not getting sleep like that." Remus told him

"Make sure he sleeps tonight George. If you have to knock him out knock him out." I said

"I didn't hear that." Remus looked around feigning ignorance

George winked and held the library doors open for me.

I lead the way to my favorite table. It was in the far corner of the library with a window over looking the grounds. I took my chair in the corner and pulled dad's journal and my charms book out of my bag.

Remus say across from me and looked at the books

"Anything from McGongall?" He asked

"Nothing I cant do. Just a short essay on anmagi" I shrugged

"Ah good subject. Something she knows a lot about." He smiled tensely

"Are you okay?" I asked

"I can't tell you here. But I'll tell you what I can later. In less of a crowd." He shrugged

"Um okay. I found something in the journal after Hagrid dismissed us. Something I think will interest you." I said flipping the book open. "It's not about Sirius but its about Pettigrew."

He stood up and slipped into the chair next to me.

"What does it say?"

"Dad didn't think Peter was dead."

"Why would he think that?"

"Because of something a death eater said as they were hauled to court."

"Tell me."

"Pettigrew lied to us. He lead our master to his end."

"Anything about Sirius there?"

"Nothing. I just thought you may be interested." I shrugged

"I am. If peter was the spy I understand why Sirius wanted him dead."

"I have a question for you."


"The twins have a map. A marauder's map." I started his eyes flashed with shame "the found it in flich's office. Moony. Wormtail. Padfoot. Prongs. Now I can only guess but-"

"I'm moony." He said

"I thought so."

"Frank has nothing to do with it."

"I know. And I know that Pettigrew was wormtail. That's what the death eater called him."

Remus looked ready to burst "you're too smart."

"Where Sirius and James?"

"Padfoot and prongs."

"Why?" I asked

"I knew you'd ask me that." He sighed "had me some parchment and a quil. I can't say it aloud."

I Pulled put a bit of parchment and my quil.

"Now once you've read this it has to be burnt. I don't want anyone else knowing."

I nodded.

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