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Ginny came in just as I finished up my potions essay.

"Just one moment Ginny. I need to put this away and we can talk a walk." I smiled and rolled up the piece of parchment.

"Take your time." She said nervously

"Why do you need to take a walk? We're your brothers can't we hear your problem?" George asked concerned

"Don't worry it's nothing like last year. It um something you wouldn't want to hear about anyway." Ginny went as red as her hair

"Fred George you know if she's in any danger I'll tell you and your mother. Seeing as I don't think that's what it is there's no need for worry." I sighed

Ginny nodded silently agreeing

"Alright." George said not convinced

"If I'm not back before curfew could one of your three do something with my bags?" I asked

"Sure." Remus nodded

"I'll be back at some point." I shrugged I set off with Ginny.

Once we were out of the library I started asking questions. "What's going on Ginny?"

"I'm having um um well it's not easy for me to talk about." She sighed frustrated with herself

"Is it someone else giving you problems?" I asked

"No. No definitely not. I could handle that on my own. It's kinda personal." She shrugged

"Oh! Oh!" My eyes widened as I looked at her

"Yeah um well I'm a late bloomer as Mum calls it and I was wondering if you knew enough to give me a reason why it won't happen." Ginny sighed

"Ginny, I can't say for certain but I can tell you what I think." I smiled glad she trusts me

"That's what I hoped." She the corner of her mouth twitched up

"It's stress Gin. Last year was particularly difficult for you. You were under a lot of stress. I'm sure after the fact you've had nightmares yes?" I asked

She nodded

"That's more stress. And worrying about it won't help it come any faster. It's a waiting game sometimes." I shrugged

"I feel a little silly asking about it. I just wanted to know if something was wrong. I wrote Mum to ask her she said it's nothing to be ashamed off. Apparently lots of girls are late bloomers." She sighed

"Oh Ginny don't worry. If you feel like something's really wrong you can come find me and I'll take you to Madam Pomfry." I told her

"Okay." She nodded

"Your Mum is right though, it's nothing to be ashamed off. Your body just isn't ready for you to have the extra stress." I said

"That does make sense." She shrugged

"Shall we go to the feast?" I asked

"Yeah We should before Fred and George have a cow about one of us not eating." She smiled

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