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Once the moon was over and we got back to the castle Neville was waiting outside the common room for me.

"What's wrong Neville?" Remus asked watching my brother.

"It's nothing. I just i know how exhausted you'd be and I wanted to give you both something to eat before you had to get to bed." Neville smiled and handed each of us an apple and a sandwich.

"Fred and George put you up to this?" I asked

"No Gran did." Neville said

"What else did she say?" Remus asked

"She told me that this moon would be the most painful and exhausting of the year. Especially with what happened the night before." Neville sighed

"Don't worry Neville. There are minimal new scars this time." I shook my head

"That's not to what I was worrying about." Neville said

"Then what is it?" I asked

"Well Gran told me a few things. She wants to make sure you know that whatever you decide to do we'll support." He sighed

"Neville, what is Gran on about?" I asked

"She knows you have Dad's journal." Neville said

"Shall we go to my office and continue?" Remus asked

"Good idea." I nodded

We quickly made our way to Remus' office.

"What has she said to you?" I asked

"She said she knows what Dad wrote about um our escaped prisoner. She believes Dad. And she knows that Sirius would come to Remus for help." Neville rambled "and she said if you choose to help clear his name we'll support you. Just think about what you're doing. Don't get in the way of the dementors. Stay safe."

"Neville listen to me. I will not let Anne be hurt. It'll happen over my dead body you need to understand that." Remus said

"I do understand. I just know my sister. When she sees the chance to help someone she takes it. It's been that way since before I was born." Neville said

"Neville I can promise you one thing I will not get hurt. This is over my head. I will do what I can but I won't get in the dementors path. Ever." I told my brother

"I have to warn you of Harry. He's very angry with Sirius. He thinks what the public thinks. And he's out for revenge now."

"I'll keep myself between her and trouble. Whether that means Harry Sirius or anyone else." Remus vows

"Remus I have to make you understand. She's all I've got. She's the only reminder of Mom that I have. I know it's selfish and a little stupid but I can't lose her the way I lost Mom." Neville started to breath heavier the more he spoke

"Nev sit down." I pull a chair up for him and he sat down.

"Neville, I completely understand. You won't lose your sister. I understand you're afraid to see her hurt. If I have to die to keep you from losing her I will. No questions asked. I'd do anything to keep her alive and healthy." Remus focused on Neville

Neville nodded shaking. "The thought of losing her is petrifying."

"Neville you know I'm not going anywhere" I put my hand in his. "I will do everything in my power to protect you and I can't very well do that dead can I?"

Neville smiled at me. "I guess that would be difficult."

"Calm down and breathe." I smiled and pushed his hair out of his face

"I've never met siblings who are this close. Not even the twins." Remus chuckled

"You'd be surprised. They just don't show it as much as we do. Gran does good with us but sometimes you have to step up and make sure each other are really okay." I said "especially when we see our parents."

"It breaks Anne's heart. Every time we visit them she gets this pained look in her eyes."

"Neville in a way I'm glad you don't remember them the way I do." I sighed

"I can't say I could imagine the feeling." Remus sighed

"We should get back upstairs. I wouldn't want to catch Percy in a foul mood." I sighed
Then came a knock on the door.

"Professor I I know it's late but I can't find the longbottoms." Percy's voice came from the other side

"Come on in Percy they're both here." Remus spoke towards the door.

The door opened revealing a rather worried Percy.

"Good to see neither of you has been hurt or lost." Percy smiled at me.

"Thank you Percy." I smiled as he closed the door

"My mother asked me to keep an eye on the two of you. Because of um your situation." Percy said

"I'm glad that you and your mother still care for me after you were told about my um. Well you know." I said

"Oh mum and dad knew the moment it happened. See your parents used to be the only wizard in family near us for miles. Your mother came running in screaming one night with Neville in her arms." Percy said "that's all I knew before mum asked me to take Neville up to Charlie's room."

"So you're the ones who took care of Neville while Anne was in the hospital?" Remus smiled

"Oh yes sir. Neville was very fussy while he stayed with us. Mum always told us he missed his sister too much." Percy said

"I'm sure that's all it was." I smiled "wouldn't you have been helping with Ron at the time as well?"

"He wasn't much work actually. All he ever did was sleep eat and use the toilet." Percy shrugged

"Alright now you three. It's getting late. You should go up to bed." Remus said

"Neville come with me. We'll wait for Anne down the corridor yes?" Percy smiled

"Sure. Yeah." Neville nodded and went with Percy

"You're exhausted aren't you?" I asked looking at Remus

"Very. Believe it or not I'm not as young as I used to be." Remus smiled

"Does it get worse?" I asked

"No. You get used to it with age." He shrugged

"Remus, I'm scared." I sighed


"What'll happen if we don't clear his name. An innocent man going through something worse than death."

"Listen to me. If I know him as well as I think I do he won't get caught. And if he does dumbledore will make sure he doesn't get that fate. Because if your gran told Neville I'll be She told dumbledore too." Remus smiled and cupped my face in his hands

I smiled.

"Now you need to go up to bed Love. If you need me you know where I am. If I need you. Well you'll know." He smiled and kissed my forehead

"We both know I'll just wind up back here tonight." I smiled

"That seems to be a pattern doesn't it?" He chuckled

"Should I just tell Neville and Percy to go? I could go up for a shower in the morning and get my stuff." I bit my lip

"I'll go tell them. You go on and get ready for bed." Remus shook his head and went for the door

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