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Through out the day Fred and George hovered over me. Always asking if i need something. Which was nice if the whole Weasley family plus my brother Harry and Hermione weren't stopping me in corridors to ask if I needed something. As my lessons came to a close I stopped Ginny in the corridor.

"Whenever you're ready to get my help I'll be in the library with your brothers and possibly Professor Lupin." I told her

"Oh okay. I'll swing by after this lesson. It's just that I don't really want my brothers to know the problem though" she blushed red

"We can take a walk and talk okay?" I smiled

"Okay yeah. Thanks." She brightened up and went to class.

I was half way to the library before I heard Remus coming up behind me.

"Damned leg" he muttered under his breath

I stopped and turned to face him. "Leg giving you more trouble."

"Yeah. It is. I'll have a look at it again later. For now though I'm caught up in my grading." He smiled reaching me.

"Good. I don't have much homework. I just need to get an essay on wolfsbane done for Snape." I said

"Wolfsbane? Is he trying to draw attention to us?" Remus whispered

I shrugged "I dunno."

Remus and I walked to the library in silence thinking about Snape's essay.

Once we got to our table there's was no sign of the twins yet.

"I'll ask Fred and George what he said about it once they get here." I sighed

"Oh they're coming?" Remus asked

"Yes. Mrs. Weasley has been encouraging all her children to make an effort with me. Ginny will be here in about an hour. She needs advice and doesn't want her brothers to know the issue." I said fishing my potions book out of my bag.

"You going to help her?" Remus asked

"Of course. She asked me to and I don't see why not. After all she is my friend." I shrugged

"Good on you then. I know you want to repay them for helping you out. Don't go overboard though love." Remus smiled

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