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Once I got to the great hall Percy was waiting with my books.

"Thanks Percy. You're a saint" I smiled as I started putting my book in my bag.

"I took the liberty of getting you your homework yesterday afternoon. McGongall asked me to. It's tucked inside the books." Percy smiled

"Thank you." I smiled back and closed my bag,

I sat next to my brother and Hermione.

"Oh Anne you missed the most awful thing last night!" Hermione said

"What happened?" I asked looking at her with full attention.

"Harry fell off his broom. A dementor. His broom blew into the whomping willow." Hermione told me in a hushed voice indicating Harry was approaching

"Anne good to see you this morning." Harry greeted my half heartedly

"I heard about your broom I'm sorry. Can't be fixed can it?" I asked

"Unfortunately not. I'm glad we don't play tonight." He sighed

"Ah I must have gotten the matches mixed up then. So Ravenclaw and Slytherin tonight?" I asked

"Yes." Harry nodded

"Going?" I asked looking at Harry Ron and Hermione as neville filled my plate

"Ron and I may. Just for a bit." Harry told me

"I'm helping Neville with some homework tonight. You could join us if you'd like right Neville?" Hermione looked passed me at my brother

"Of course!" Neville nodded

"Now before Neville has a heart attack you dear should eat." Fred said in my ear.

"Good to see you haven't missed a beat Fred" I smiled and picked up a bit of bacon.

"Anne, I could use a bit of help with something later if you have time." Ginny asked from Hermione's left

"Um sure Ginny. I'll make some time to help you out." I smiled

"Gin!" Fred shouted

"Fred!" Percy shouted

"Both of you quiet." I sighed

"Sorry." The chorused

"Ginny I will talk to you later today. Percy Fred you both know as well as Ron and Ginny and George that I will make time for any of you the same way you do for me." I told them. "That goes for Hermione and Harry as well."

"Thank you." Ginny said

"You're welcome Ginny. I don't mind giving any of you help. Please know that. No matter how sick I am I will help you. Same goes to you Nev." I patted my brother on the back

"I know Anne." Neville smiled

"So do we." Harry said. "Id like to speak to you after breakfast if I could."

"Of course Harry. Our first lessons are on the same floor." I smiled

"Thanks" he smiled

"Woman how are you a ray of sunshine when you're sick?" Fred asked

"Fred Weasley!" Ginny shouted

"What?!?" Fred jumped

"If Mum knew you spoke to her that way she'd have your head." Ginny said

"I'm sorry." He whispered

"Thanks Gin." I smiled

"You're welcome." Ginny smiled

"To answer your question Fred. I'm just grateful for all of you." I said

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