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I stepped behind his desk and tapped the wall next to the portrait of his parents.

The bedroom behind was decorated in red and gold. Pictures of Remus and his school friends lined one wall. A picture of my father and mother at their wedding  looked back at me.

"Sleep sweetheart." My father said smiling at me.

"Night Dad. Night mum." I smiled

"Goodnight angel." Mum replied
I took my bag to the small toilet  and changed into an old muggle band shirt and sweatpants. As I brushed my teeth I heard Remus come in.

"Moony, back from a bad one?" James' voice asked from a picture

"Stuff it prongs. He's got a girl here." Sirius voice made me burst out laughing,

"She has better ear than either of you nitwits." Remus laughed

"Could you three not talk about my child like that thank you." Dad's voice stopped all laughter

"Dad!" I shouted

"Frank!" Mum said "they're going to turn a picture around again."

"Yes I will." I sighed. "Just go to sleep."

I put my toothbrush down.

"Thanks prongs. Now you've done it." Remus mumbled

"Um correction Padfoot did it." James said

"Oh shut up." Remus sighed

I stepped out of the bathroom and leaned against the doorframe as Remus changed his clothes.

The angry red slash marks started to heal.

"Those can't have been self inflicted." Sirius said

"Moony you didn't." James said

"Okay everyone quiet!" Remus shouted "not another word out of any of you or you're moving to the office."

"Remus, calm down." I sighed. "They're teenagers."

"They've always acted that way. Even after that picture." Remus shook his head pulling up his sweats.

"Yeah I know. I kinda witnessed Sirius's part remember?" I smiled

"What now?" Dad said "you saw Black?"

"Don't Dad. Don't you dare tell Gran." I snapped "She has Neville terrified as it is."

I walked over to the wall and flipped my parents picture over along with Sirius and James.

"I'm sorry. I keep meaning to move them. I just don't know how Harry would react." Remus sighed and put an arm around my waist.

"I know. I can handle it." I sighed

"Bedtime. We're both frustrated with photographs." He mumbled in my ear

I nodded and let him guide me to the bed.

"Photographs should not be that frustrating." I sighed and laid down.

Remus laid beside my and pulled the covers up over my shoulders.

"I know. But taking in that they're your parents and my old friends. Well Love you know how they are." Remus said

I nodded and laid my head on his chest. "How old where they in those pictures?" I asked

"Sirius and James were 17. That was just before James and Lily started seeing each other. Alice was 19. Frank had just hit 20." Remus said

"Just a few years before I was born then." I sighed

"I suppose that would be correct." He chuckled

"I know you're tired." I said "it's just something that's been on my mind."

"It's not hurting me to talk to you." He put his arm around me.

"Are you sure?" I asked

"Positive. Talking to you isn't going to make me grumpy." He laughed

"What are you thinking?" I asked

"Me? Not much. Thinking of how I'm going to get to through teaching tomorrow. Wondering how you're going to be tomorrow. And then there's Sirius. I want to help I just don't know how to help him. Other than to tell him not to come in the castle again." He told me.

"I agree. He shouldn't risk it again." I nodded

"But he will. Even if I say not to. He's stubborn as a donkey." He smiled

"Like the twins. Even if you tell them not to do something they'll do it anyway cause they can." I smiled

A knock on the door made me jolt up angrily.

"Stay here." Remus whispered getting up and opening the door. "Oh Professor McGongall."

"Hello Remus. I brought the two of you a little basket of sweets from honeydukes. A few of my students bought you a bit and asked me to pass it to the two of you. Harry Potter to be exact sent money with Hermione Granger to buy you sweets. They weren't sure what you'd like so you have a bit of everything. And Neville got you a lot of chocolate." She smiled

"Isn't that lovely of them?" Remus smiled

"Come on Anne. It's yours too." McGongall told me.

I got up slowly. A huge basket of sweet sat on Remus desk.

"Harry James Potter what have you done?" I smiled

"I believe he found out just how close Remus was to his father and decided to reach out with sweets." McGongall said

"He's tamed the beast with sweets!" James voice was muffled

"Quiet Mr Potter." McGongall said softly

"Sorry professor." Remus mumbled

"No apologies necessary. It's good to hear his voice from time to time." McGongall said

"I wish I could give the picture to Harry. But Sirius is in said picture."

"Not funny Lupin!" Sirius shouted

"Mr.Black kindly shut up." McGongall smiled

"Professor I've never seen you smile that way" I said

"Anne, I don't show favoritism but to say that I enjoyed teacher Remus and his old friends doesn't do it justice. All bright minds." She told me "as were your parents."

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