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A few months of meeting with Remus to do homework and get to know each other was pretty much the whole school asking questions about me and Remus.

One night Remus was walking me back to the common room from the library there was a huge line winding down the stairs.

"What do you thinks happened?" I asked as I made out Dumbledore looking up and down the walls and the paintings.
"I think we both know." Remus looked at me seriously.

Sirius Black.
"Remus, what does it mean?" I asked

"I'm not sure. Just stay calm. You're not in any danger." Remus put his hand on my shoulder.

"Where's Neville?" I asked craning my neck over the crowd.

"I'm here." Neville answered waving back at me. He wasn't much farther up the staircase then we were. Thank God He was in ear shot. "Calm down. I'm fine."

I nodded letting out a breath.

"See he's perfectly safe." Remus whispered watching Dumbledore.

Dumbledore sent the students to the great hall. As I started to step into the large room McGongall laid a hand on my shoulder.

"It would be best if you stayed in Remus' sight dear. This is not going to be easy on him." She whispered.
I looked back at Remus who had already begun pacing the corridor.
"Right." I nodded hesitant to leave Neville's sight.
"Your brother will be perfectly safe. Hagrid will be here any second to guard the door." She assured me
"Thank you." I smiled softly.

"Go calm Lupin as much as you can."

I nodded and put myself in Remus pacing route. When he saw me his eyes widen and he rushed forward.

"What are you doing? You should be in the great hall with the others!" He fussed

"Not when you're on the verge of a mental breakdown." I shook my head

"I am not." He insisted "I'll be just fine."

"You've been pacing." I pointed out

"I- I have?" He stammered

"Yes." I nodded

"Fine. Just stay in my sight." Remus sighed giving up.

"I plan to."

"What is she doing out here?" Snape's drawl made my clench my fists

"I'd like to have our werewolves in the same place during the event of dismay Severus. It fairs much better if they're in each other's line of sight during stress." Dumbledore told him

"She's a student." He sneered

"Yes. Her grandmother has consented as have I. Now if you don't mind I'd like you to search the dungeons." Dumbledore told him

Snape swept out of the room dramatically.

"Hasn't changed much since our days here." Remus said fighting back a smirk.

I shook my head at him. "Shush"

"Remus if you would take Anne down to the kitchens and see what the house elves know." Dumbledore said

"Yes sir." Remus nodded and took my hand.

As we walked the castle was eerily quiet.

"I don't like this." I whispered

"What?" Remus asked slipping his arm around my waist.

"It's way too quiet. It's unsettling." I sighed

"It won't be this quiet Come morning. Everyone will be swapping theories." Remus assured me

"Do you think we'll find him?" I asked

"Truth be told. No. I don't think we will. If he's anything like he was 12 years ago he won't be caught." Remus told me

"What was he like?" I asked

"Sneaky. Always sneaky." Remus said

"Leave it to us to find the troublemakers eh?" I smiled

"That'd be the case." Remus nodded "have you ever been in the kitchens?"

"Once. I wasn't feeling well and Madam Pomfry refused to let me out of her sight." I said

"So Fred and George have never brought you down here?" He asked

"Nope. They've tried to. But I didn't want to. Homework and everything." I shrugged

"Don't tell me you don't have a part to play in the pranks." Remus smirked

"I may have a tiny part." I laughed

"That's what I thought." Remus smiled

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