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Once I came out of charms I saw Remus standing on the opposite wall. I walk right to him smiling.

"Waiting on someone professor?"

"Not anymore." He smiled. "You're ankle seems better."

"It twinges a little but Madam Pomfry said that it will be sore for the rest of the day." I shrugged

"Good. Good class?" He smiled

"Yeah. Interesting. Barely any homework. I just have to read two chapters in the book tonight."

"Not bad for the first day of O.W.L year." He shrugged

"Don't remind me. I have two more classes today. I'm just glad on of them's with Hagrid." I sighed

"You'll get through it. When will you have potions?" He asked

"Tomorrow. Along with Herbology."

"Transfiguration today then?"


"Tell me you don't have divination" he sighed

"God no. I dropped it last year. McGongall said that as long as my grades keep up I can do without it."

"So potions herbology history of magic and what else tomorrow?"

"Nothing else. I'd have divination tomorrow if I hadn't dropped it. Fred and George are still mad because they couldn't drop it." I shrugged

"Afraid they'll get into more trouble then usual?"

"I'm sure they would." I nodded

"Reminds me of my friends. They were the known troublemakers for years. Seems they passed that on to Molly's twins."

"Seems so." I smiled

"Do you have time for a short walk?" He asked

"I think so. As long as it's in Hagrid's direction." I shrugged

"I think that's manageable." He smiled

As we walked I couldn't help but notice a slight annoyed air over Remus.

"Something wrong professor?"

"Just thinking about something you said this morning. What Frank told you actually." He sighed

"About Sirius?" I asked

"Yes. He was one of the aurors assigned to the case at first. I think your father had good information that made him believe Sirius was no murder." He sighed

"I wish I could help. I really do. But there's almost no chance he'll talk about that again. At least not with me." I sighed "his notes. He kept a big leather journal to write everything down in. So he could see it all in writing."

"Any idea where it is?"

"Absolutely. See he got Neville and I identical ones the Christmas after my bite. I accidentally put dad's in my bag when I was packing. I didn't realize mine was in my trunk until I got here." I smiled and opened my bag.

"Brilliant." He chuckled

"I guess post moon scatter brain is good from something after all"

"You can start going trough it tonight. Let me know if you find anything?" He smiled

"Sure. There's a lot of stuff in this though. And I don't know what kind of organization system he had with it. So it may be a while before I find the right case." I told him

"When is do you have a free period before or after transfiguration?"


"Perfect. We could go to the library once I've finished up with my last class."

"Alright. Be warned I'm not sure how much homework I'll have after transfiguration."

"No more than you can handle I'm sure." He smiled

"I hope your right about that."

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