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I went straight up to bed feeling utterly exhausted I couldn't stay up if I tried anyway. The moon has never been this close to the start of term.
I flop down on my bed and felt myself pass out completely.

I woke up in the middle of the night and made my way to the 5th year showers on the landing. Expecting nobody to be awake. But to my displeasure Fred and George were coming out of the boys dorm.

"She lives." Fred grins

"She is very tired and in need of a hot shower. Do me a favor?" I ask

"Need a lookout?" George smiles

"Please." I nod

"Alright. Be quick." Fred smiles

"Ask quick as I can with new scars." I nod

"Joking." Fred said

I nod "I know"

I shower trying to keep my upper arms out of the steaming water. Which isn't the easiest thing to do. Out of no where I see black around the edge of my vision.

When I wake up Professors McGonagall and Lupin standing over me in the hospital wing.

"Lovely you're not in a coma." McGonagall smiles "I'll get Madam Pomfry"
She bustles off.

"Lucky you have such good Friends. The twins went and got Katie Bell and your brother. Neville went to Professor McGongall whom came to see me." Lupin smiles

"Tell me I didn't pass out in the shower" I sigh

"Sorry sis." Neville's voice makes me jump

"Nev tell me you haven't sent a letter to Gran"

"I haven't." Neville yawns "too tired"

"Can't say I haven't done the same thing. I'm assuming the twins know." Lupin smiles

"They're very smart. Figured it out in first year" I shrug

"Ask them to make sure nobody came to see your scars?" Lupin asks

"Yes." I nod

"Good thing you did. Someone may not have found you til morning." Neville sighs

"So what exactly happened to me Professor?" I ask sitting up

"You're exhausted and weak right now. I'm thinking if you're as like me with your condition as you seem to be. The hot water made the new and old scars burn to much for your mind to handle right now." Lupin explains handing me a glass of water

"Boiling hot water to wake you up a bit so you could make it to class?" I ask

"Yes. Believe it or not Our new Professor is a lot like you." McGonagall smiles coming back with Madam Pomfry

"Meaning you've both been in here a number of times for this exact problem. To exhausted for your own good." Madam Pomfry says mixing up a potion.

"Mr. LongBottom you may want to go back up to bed. I shall escort you." McGonagall says taking Neville out.

"Lupin you'll be watching her yes?" Madam Pomfry asks

"Of course. Yes. Their Grandmother has already asked me to." He nods

"Alright Anne drink this and you should stay awake until tonight. You may have to skip the feast but I'm sure the Weasley boys will find you something to eat." She told me handing me a goblet

"Thank you." I smile and take a sip. I pull a face and Lupin laughs

"Take her back to your office Lupin. Her bag will come down with the Weasley's at breakfast."

"Follow me before we get hexed." Lupin smiles

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