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Remus and I start towards the staircase comfortably silent.

"I feel like everyone's watching." Remus chuckles

"They kinda are. It's not like we see teachers walking around with students unless something's wrong." I shrug

"As far as I know nothing's wrong." He smiles

"I don't think so- woah!" I trip on the trick step Remus acts quickly catching me

"Ow!" I wince reached for my left ankle

"Let me take you to the hospital wing. Have Madam Pomfry fix that up for you." Remus helps me up slowly.

"Anne!" George shouts coming down the steps. "The trick step again?"

"Not the first time huh?" Remus laughs

"No. She does it all the time. Can't walk and talk at once a few days after her um monthly thing." George smiles

"I can't try to stay awake and remember the trick step." I smile and lean on Remus.

"You think you can get her to the hospital Professor?" George asks

"I can handle it Mr. Weasley." Remus smiles

"Alright. If you or Fred need me I'll be in the library Anne." George smiles at me shuffling down the stairs beside me.

"I'll be sure to let Fred know where you've run off to if I see him." I roll my eyes as we go our separate ways

"I see why you'd be more worried about Fred now." He smiles

"George is more brotherly towards me. Fred has always been a little more than friendly. But that's just how he is with girls sometimes."

"I don't know. They way he reacted makes me think it's more than just a little playful banter." Remus shrugs

"I guess we're just been back and forth for too long. I think this is something he'll have to get used to." I say as we make it to the hospital wing.

"The trick step again?" Hagrid asks from down the hall.

"Yes. You know how it is." I smile

"You didn't fall down the stairs again right?" He asks

"Not this time. Luckily George and Professor Lupin where behind me." I shrug

"Good. Lupin it'd do you good to keep a track on her. Clumsier than you are she is." Hagrid smiles

"Don't worry Hagrid. I'm sure with the Weasleys keeping an eye out for her I won't have much to worry about."

Hagrid smiles and starts down the hall.

"Oh for heaven's sake which one of you hit the trick step this time?" Madam Pomfry asks exasperated

"It was me." I shrug

"Someone is having a particularly bad day today." She smiles "Remus if you could just get her to the first cot. It won't take but a good hour to fully heal this."

"An hour?" Remus asks

"Yes. She hurts that ankle and foot quiet often.  It's not only the bones that will need to heal. The muscles and ligaments will need to heal as well."

Remus nods and helps me to the cot. I prop my foot up on the cot and let Madam Pomfry do her work.

"I'll have to get going to class. If I see one of the twins or Percy I'll have them come help you back upstairs if that's alright." Remus smiles

"I believe if I'm not mistaken Percy was just going back up the stairs not long ago." Madam Pomfry says

"Madam Pomfry, Neville um well Neville?" Harry Potter's voice comes from the door

"A few people um decided to practice a new jinx on me. I have hives everywhere." Neville muttered embarrassed

"Anne, I'll finish your ankle once I find your brother the potion he needs." Madam Pomfry tells me and walks off to her cabinet.

"Trick step again?" Harry asks

"Yes. You'd think I'd know better by now." I smile

"Neville tells me your pretty good with research. Any chance you could help me find a
Something ?" Harry asks

"What are you looking for?" I ask

"I'm trying to retrace my father's family. Just a little side project for myself." He shrugs

"I'll have a look on the library. If I can't find anything you could ask Professor McGongall is she could help." I tell him

"Thanks. I wanted to do it on my own but it's proving harder to do than I thought. Hermione tried to help but we keep getting distracted." Harry sighs

"How far back have you gotten in your family?" I ask

"To my grandparents. I haven't found anything on my great grandparents. Or any great uncles." He sighs

"Because your father's grandfather died just before James' father was born." Remus tells us

"Really?" Harry turns curious

"Really. I remember James telling me that one night in our third year because his grandmother had just passed away." Remus nods

"Thank you Professor. Did you by chance ever know a name?" Harry asks

"I never got a name. I'm sorry Harry." He shakes his head

Madam Pomfry comes back with a vial in hand. "Here you are Neville."

"Thank you." Neville takes it and drinks it.

"There you are Mr. Potter. Mr. longbottom should be back to normal by the time you make it to gryffindor tower." Madam Pomfry tells Harry

"Thanks for hauling him down Harry. I know he wouldn't have come on his own," I say

"I couldn't take watching him scratching and picking at the hives. And I know he'd do the same for me." Harry shrugs

"Alright boys I do believe you're both in my class next." Remus says

"Yes sir." Harry nods

"Wonderful. I should go get ready for class. Anne I'll send someone down to walk you back to your next class." Remus smiles

"Thank you." I smile as he leaves

"Harry if you don't mind could you stop at the library and ask George Weasley to make his way here?" I ask

"Of course." Harry nods and leads Neville back out the door

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