Step 12: We Are Ready To Help Others

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"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Brendon looked down at his attire self consciously. Dark jeans, red t-shirt gray hoodie. His eyes scattered over to Ryan beside him. Beige slacks, white polo, obnoxiously ruby colored cardigan. "I feel under dressed."

"But you look great." Ryan reached over to adjust the strings of the zip up. "You always look great."

One thing Brendon learned about Ryan throughout their 'out of rehab' relationship, was that he was softer than he appeared. His mood swings became less frequent. His words more complimentary. His touches more gentle. Ryan Ross in love was a teddy bear version of is usually grisly bear self.

Brendon still wasn't completely used to it. He never let himself feel too comfortable when things were going too well. Always waiting on the other shoe to drop. Which would explain why his face still flushed warm with surprise when the sweeter parts of his boyfriend were exposed. He swatted the taller man's fingers away.

"But you're dressed all snobby."

Ryan chuckled. "There are the kind of clothes I own."

"I've never seen you wear something like this."

"Because my father warned me that my cashmere sweaters might not be needed in a rehab center."

"You still could have warned me that we needed to dress like." He motioned to his boyfriend. "That. Or at least have given me time to change when you picked me up."

"You would have seen how I was dressed if you would just move in with me like I asked."

Brendon's eyes narrowed at his boyfriend's forced casual tone.

"Are you punishing me for trying to take things slow?"

"I'd hardly call that a punishment." He scoffed.

"But you are mad?"

Ryan's nonchalant facade cracked. "You are living with your ex boyfriend-"

"Who not only supports our relationship, but also got us back together."


"Ryan." Brendon placed his hand flat over his chest. The taller man stopped speaking instantly. He covered Brendon's fingers with his own to keep them there. "I'm in love with you."

He glanced away from his large, dark eyes. "I know that."

"Then shut up."

There was a time when those words would have sparked a fight in the older man. That time was a long, ugly journey behind them. Now the words managed to make him smile. Instead of responding, Ryan turned to the grand door in front of them and pressed the bell.

It was opened instantly by a man with a less than friendly face. "Mr. Ross."

"What's up, Scott?" He slapped the man's shoulder familiarly.

His enthusiasm wasn't returned. "Your father is waiting in the dining area."

"Thanks man."

Brendon followed behind him. An amused smirk playing around the corners of his mouth. It was funny to see someone annoyed by Ryan's being chipper instead of the other way around.

The dining room looked exactly how he expected it too. Dark woods accented by dark furniture. The table took up half the space in the room. Which was ridiculous because there were only four people sitting at it. One Brendon instantly recognized as Ryan's father. Another being the woman who was at their completion party. The other two - a middle age woman and a man around their age- weren't familiar faces.

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