chapter 2

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[Serena POV]

"BATTLE BEGIN." the referee shouted.

"Golduck use PSYCHIC." Misty shouted. then the red stone on Golduck's forehead glowed and he was covered in blue light. it tried to control Pikachu's mind but Pikachu stood there as if nothing was happening.

"What a shame the champion's golduck can't even control a Pikachu's mind. Now let me show you our power. Pikachu use VOLT TACKLE." the boy mocked Misty. then commanded his Pikachu to attack. Pikachu ran towards golduck as electric energy surrounded it and before Misty could say something Pikachu hit golduck sending the duck Pokemon to the wall with dust cloud forming. Everyone was completely shocked. The dust cleared revealing a fainted golduck on ground with swirly eyes.

"Golduck is unable to battle, Pikachu wins." the referee announces the result. I look over Misty with a shocked expression. Her eyes were wide then she returned her pokemon back.

"Misty please send out your next Pokemon." the referee requested. Misty took her another pokeball and threw it to the field.

[no one POV]

"come out, togekiss." misty shouted as a flying fairy Pokemon appeared.

"TOGE...KISSSSS" it shouted.

"Use FAIRY WIND." misty commanded. The fairy cried and flapped it's wings and a strong wind surrounded the fairy Pokemon. The wind was so strong that the dust and stones started flying around.

"pikachu turn those winds in storm, use THUNDER." the boy shouted at top of his lungs. Pikachu began to spark and dark clouds spread above him. soon the atmosphere of the gym turned into dark and cold storm.

"PIKA PIKA PIKA PIKACHUUUUUUU!" the small rodent cried and the weather became worst, the dark clouds created lightening. The flying fairy seemed to lose control over her FAIRY WIND.

"Now pikachu, strike it out." the boy shouted, and the clouds created a lightening hitting Togekiss on head. the fairy Pokemon fainted as the electric attack struck her.

"Togekiss is unable to battle, pikachu wins the second round. Misty please call your last pokémon." the referee requested. Everyone was now cheering for the new boy named Ash. Misty now seemed more tensed. she called her Pokemon back and held it's pokeball tightly and gave on it. then took another ball and threw it.

"Go Gyarados and teach that Pikachu a lesson." Misty shouted and a large snake like dragon came out. It's roar shook the gym."Now Gyarados, MEGA EVOLVE!!" Misty shouted holding a small shiny stone. The stone on Gyarados' headband glowed releasing rays and the stone held by Misty also glowed. both lights connected and Gyarados started to glow, after a while the lights fade away and Gyarados was now mega evolved more larger and stronger.

"Now Gyarados, use DRAGON BREATH." Misty shouted and the dragon pokemon fired a blue coloured beam towards pikachu.

"Pikachu use your THUNDER BOLT to counter it." Ash shouted. pikachu jumped in the air and released electric shock on the blue beam. Both the attacks collided and formed an explosion. Which caused everyone to hold their hands in front of their eyes. When the explosion faded, both Gyarados and pikachu were standing face to face. Which shocked everyone because they had never seen such a strong Pikachu.

"Gyarados use DRAGON RAGE" Misty shouted.

"Pikachu use CATASTROPIKA." Ash shouted and held his hand which has a bracelet with a stone on it. The stone started to glow.

Gyarados was about to fire his attack then suddenly pikachu dashed towards him and surrounded itself with electricity. Pikachu tackled Gyarados sending him towards the wall. The large snake Pokemon roared in pain then reverted back to its original form and fainted.

The whole gym was now in extreme shock, they could not believe their eyes to what they saw."Gyarados is unable to battle, Pikachu wins which makes Ash the Victor of this battle."the referee announced.

The whole gym started to cheer for Ash. Misty was looking devastated. A tear ran down from her cheek.

"I regret this battle." Misty shouted the whole stadium focused on her."That boy must be using Pokemon drugs. Please check him." her words made no impact on the boy he was still looking at his Pikachu with a smile.

"I accept for the check up. come on pikachu let's prove ourselves true." he said as he walked towards the referee along with pikachu on his shoulder.

"Okay everyone the battle is over. Move back to your classes. I will inform you the results, after the check up is done." professor Oak announced. everyone started to move to their respective classes.

Ash, Misty and professor Oak, walked towards the infirmary. Pikachu was taken in the check up room while Ash, Misty and professor Oak waited outside for mean time.

Soon the nurse came out with a smile on her face. "Pikachu is fit and not drugged." she said while smiling.

To be continued

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